Lorac Pro Mega Goodness.


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Nov 3, 2014

Bronwyn R.

I normally order my stuff from America but I couldn't find this anywhere when making my order. Luckily I was able to purchase it here in Australia for $89AUD. How much is it there? So glad I got my hands on it!

Nov 3, 2014

Chelsea S.

Lucky! It's sold out everywhere here :'(

Nov 3, 2014

Bronwyn R.

Isn't that frustrating. There's so many women over there so you'd think they'd make so many more!! Is it a limited edition product or will it be permanent do you know?

Nov 3, 2014

Andrea V.

I kept refreshing the page every 5min the day of the release haha started looking at 8, came out at 10am lol I paid $63 and have been using non stop.

Nov 3, 2014

Bronwyn R.

Haha Andrea. That's dedication girlfriend!

Nov 3, 2014

Naomi S.

It was $59..but hard to get.

Nov 4, 2014

Sabrina K.

I also payed 59$ for mine, I was lucky to get 2! I absolutely loooove it!!

Nov 4, 2014

Andrea V.

Lol I don't know where I got 63 from haha it was 59. And right?! It's like I seriously fell in love with it when I saw Daniel chinchillas post.

Nov 4, 2014

Bronwyn R.

Yeah I think when I bought my Lorac 2 here is Aussie it was $79 so I thought even though I could get it cheaper in America 1) it wasn't available and 2) $89 is a bargain for over here! In love!