Bored At Work So Make Up Talk..


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Dec 26, 2012

Meghan M.

Hey girls & guys... I got $80 worth of sephora gift cards. What's the biggest bang for my buck? Please mention at least one eyebrow kit!

Also...I got the White Out collection from bare minerals for Christmas and I was surprised and excited about how good the pigment is!

Dec 26, 2012

Meghan M. affordable brush set? I need new brushes and I just began really getting into makeup so an affordable set would be great :)

Dec 26, 2012

Mia R.

I would recommend getting a set from Costco if your a member. You can snag a full set for $30 dollars and it comes with a brush roll. The set is really good quality for the price.  

Zuri F.

Dec 26, 2012

Zuri F.

real techniques, I just ordered them

Dec 26, 2012

Shelley W.

Sephora has a great blending brush for the eyes that can be had for under $25 bucks (I think it might be $23). I believe Benefit has a great eyebrow kit and so does Smashbox all in the $25 range. :)

Dec 26, 2012

Ari W.

bare minerals eye shadows are sooo good ! peple never mention them :) i dont use their face products but the eyes!!! wow!

Urban Decay has a pretty good eyebrow kit. And Make Up For Evers aqua brow gets amazing reviews, but I've never used it!
I have about $125 in sephora gift cards, I don't know if I will ever decide what to get xD

Dec 26, 2012

Meghan M.

Bare minerals are great!! I use everything by them!! I will def check out those brow kits ladies! You guys are the best!

Dec 26, 2012

Maggie M.

I'm SO in love with the elf eyebrow kit. Omg it's should pick one up before getting a high end brand :) the perfect dupe!

Dec 26, 2012

Melissa S.

Ecotools brushes are soooo soft must try!!

Dec 26, 2012

Caitlyn E.

Essence beauty brushes are cheap but pretty good quality. I love the kabuki brush! And I also agree that the elf brow kit it pretty too and is only 3$!

Meghan M.

Beachwood, NJ