First zombie look.. opinions?


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Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

I want to be a zombie 50's girl for halloween and I decided to try out the makeup for halloween. Any opinions? It was my first time. I used- liquid latex, fake blood from 5 below, wet and wild black eyeshadow, wet and wild white eyeshadow, foundation (not quite sure the name right now),purple/blue/black/green/white face paint.

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

here it is

Oct 18, 2014

Haley G.

Looks super cool! 😋

Oct 18, 2014

Sabrina R.

Looks great! Only thing I can think of is maybe using something to flush the colour from your face maybe make it more greyish, it still looks very lively lol :P.

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

Hayley G. Thank you very much :)

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

Sabrina R. Thank you. I used super pale foundation but you can't see it very well in this photo.

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

Asmii A. Thank you so much! :)

Oct 18, 2014

Jenny B.

Looks very good especially for your first try. good job girl.

Oct 18, 2014

M G.

looks good!

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

Jenny B. Thank you! it took forever to do.

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

M G. Thank you very much!! :)

Oct 18, 2014

Emma S.

Very cool

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

Emma S. thank you very much :)

Oct 18, 2014

Julia I.

Scary as heelll but good for the first time!

Oct 18, 2014

Alyssa R.

Julia I. haha thank you very much. I have to make it a bit paler but I appreciate it :)

Oct 19, 2014

Elisabeth M.

When I did my sisters I made her look very pale by buying a white powder and lightly covering areas like the nose cheeks chin and forehead. I made her eyebrows lighter to take away more color. Only color I really added was the lips which was more to draw attention to the gash on her cheek.

Oct 19, 2014

Glory E.

Looks cool but try darkening your eyes like a black eye