Covering up a goose egg!!


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Oct 17, 2014

Elisabeth M.

Hey there. So recently I was hit in the head with a softball which has caused this huge painful goose egg right on my forehead. The doctor said it may bruise and the bruising could extend to my eye. I would like to know easy ways to cover this while not using a lot of makeup or pressure. Its very senesitive.

Oct 17, 2014

Lynzie B.

I would wear a beanie or hat. Unless you can't in school of course.

Oct 17, 2014

Shanae J.

Wear something that takes the attention away from your forehead.

Oct 17, 2014

Elisabeth M.

Cant wear those in school. I can outside but not inside. Thanks for the tips I will use those when I'm able to walk about in town!

Oct 17, 2014

Elisabeth M.

Bruising doesn't show in the picture but my eye is closed because of the pain.

Oct 17, 2014

Erika K.

You could put concealer and foundation over the bruise if that would help.

Oct 17, 2014

Julia K.

Try to cool it, it will take the swelling down a little. and for the bruise gently pat some high coverage concealer on it.

Oct 17, 2014

Bethany K.

Rub some arnica lotion / cream on it, will take bruising away quickly.

Oct 17, 2014

Neslisah Y.

Keep applying ice packs like hold for 10 min then rest 10 then repeat it helps the swelling come down when need to apply make up after foundation put something orange coloured over the bruise It could be anything like lipstick or eye shadow even but not shimmery, then apply concealer. Hope it helps..

Oct 17, 2014

Tabitha S.

If you don't want attention brought there try to wear really simple eye and face makeup and then a really bold lip. All the attention will be there :) a statement necklace would be nice to so people have other things to look at :) hope you feel better :)

Oct 17, 2014

Netty A.

Wear a swoop bang.

Oct 17, 2014

Elisabeth M.

Thanks guys! I'm going back to school in a few days and was so worried about the swelling and how it would look. And the bold lip idea is a gem. I never heard of arnica cream doing that before but I will for sure try it.

Oct 17, 2014

Rissa G.

Yeah! Part your hair to make it fall to that side for the time being.

Oct 17, 2014

M G.

I agree with Netty a swoop bang would work and look good on you.

Oct 17, 2014

Elisabeth M.

Thanks! I had swoop bangs for awhile but got rid of them and replaced them with straight across bangs. Now my hair is growing out.

Oct 17, 2014

Jenna M.

When I got a goose egg I just kept ice on it for hours upon hours and it didn't bruise. This was atleast 6 hours after impact.

Oct 17, 2014

Jenna M.

This wAs the next day. Initially it was purple but I got the color gone quickly with ice.

Oct 17, 2014

Jenna M.

It will hurt to put concealer on it so I suggest to ice it to reduce as much bruising as possible.

Oct 17, 2014

Elisabeth M.

Thanks Jenna! It is a painful spot to be hit isnt it? Mines a little purple today and hopefully the bruising will go away. It does hurt to put my concealer on and my friend actually told me to try not touching the area even with makeup.

Oct 19, 2014

Nikki D.

About the swoop bangs.. Just buy a clip in if yours have already grown out. They sell clip in bangs at ulta!

Oct 19, 2014

Elisabeth M.

What's a ultra? I don't think we have those in canada.

Oct 19, 2014

Nikki D.

Oops, sorry. Ulta is a beauty store.