Slightly over-drew my top lip? What do you think? It's my first time!


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Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

Hey ladies!
I've been incredibly sick lately, so today I decided to pick myself up by using a lipstick and lip pencil that I don't really use to attempt to overdraw my top lip, in hopes to even out my lips a little bit! I have a fuller bottom lip and a thin top lip, so I over-drew the top lip very slightly , and I'm not sure if it looks good. I decided to wait on any major overdrawing until I know if I'm doing it right, or have pointers on how to do it right! Don't worry, I'm going to sanitize the crap out of them afterwards! What do you ladies think?
I used:
WnW lip pencil (lightest one!)
NYX round lipstick in B52
I don't know if it looks bad or too much, and like I said, it is my first time trying it so I need your honest opinion!

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

Another picture!

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

This is a god awful picture but no over drawing! And the least smiley picture I could find! Tell me what you think!

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

Thank you Jacqlyn 😊 I realize that I was kind of repetitive in my question, my bad! 😬

Oct 16, 2014

Shanae J.

I think that the bottom lip being bigger looks best, I can't really tell if it's equally proportioned or if your top lip is bigger, but I think this looks cute on you!

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

Thank you for being honest Shanae! I was thinking my too lip was still smaller, but I looked again , and I see what you're saying!

Oct 16, 2014

Dereanna D.

I'm personally not a fan of over drawn lips, but if you like it continue to do it! I think you have naturally nice full lips! No need to over draw the top lip, in my opinion (:

Oct 16, 2014

Ashley D.

I like it better when they aren't over drawn but honestly you.could pull off anything.

Oct 16, 2014

Taylor G.

You have gorgeous lips!

Oct 16, 2014

Valerie C.

I love it 😍 victorias secret looking lips 😍

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

Thank you so much Dereanna! Janelle, that's almost exactly how I did it, and I guess it just looks off! Thank you a ton! Ashley, you're too sweet! Thank you very much! Taylor, thank you too! Seriously ladies, I really appreciate the feedback!

Oct 16, 2014

Bekah S.

I think it looks great! Although I think you have AMAZING lips to begin with!! I would die for lips like that 😩

Oct 16, 2014

M G.

Dude I wiiish I had your lips lol. I personally think you don't need to over draw your but it dosent look too bad

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

@Vallerie, I didn't even know over drawing your lips was a thing outside of drag ( I know that makes me sounds really dense 😂) so I watched a few tutorials and I tried it out myself! I think it looks a little odd on me but I never realized that a lot of celebs drew their lips over too! I dig the look, but maybe not for everyday? Thank you a bunch for the feedback! ❤️
Thank you so much! You really know how to make someone feel good about themselves 🙏 I appreciate it! I think your lips fit your face perfectly! I've always had kind of a lip struggle , with wanting even lips or even smaller ones. Thank you again , 😊

Oct 16, 2014

Isabel M.

Thank you very much, boo! I tried. Hahah, maybe didn't fully succeed but that's okay. I really appreciate the feedback! 💗

Oct 16, 2014

Rissa G.

It doesn't look bad but might I add I'm jealous of your lips in general lol. They're perfect

Oct 16, 2014

Ari M.

Overlined lips look so awkward and obvious they rarely look good to me
Isabel your lips are soooo perf from the start I totally didn't expect you to be the poster of this lol

Oct 16, 2014

Gisell G.

Dereanna is right, you have nice full lips!

Oct 16, 2014

Alicia C.

Really good Isabel, especially for your first try! I do agree with Gisell, your lips are naturally beautiful