Is It Safe To Wax


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Dec 12, 2014

yasmine g.

Is out safe to wax during pregnancy.

Dec 12, 2014

Sabrina K.

Yes of cause, as long as your not using some crazy chemical.

Dec 12, 2014

Shanae J.

My doctor and my sister's doctor both told me and my sister that it's an absolutely no to wax during pregnancy. He mentioned higher chances of swelling, increased sensitivity due to hormones and irritation, which is common with waxing in general.

Dec 12, 2014

Raylene I.

My doctori said it was fine as long as it was just my legs and under arms, face and lady bits were a no because of hormones and swelling.

Dec 12, 2014

Raylene I.

However do not use the hair creams like nair, that will cause massive irritations and could cause chemical burns.

Dec 12, 2014

Sabrina K.

Oh yes I was just thinking legs, I wasn't even thinking of ladies parts! Definitely ask your doctor first!

Dec 12, 2014

Shanae J.

I assumed ladies parts, I think what my doctor said would relate to waxing in general because of your hormones being althroughout your body and not just in one place.

Dec 12, 2014

Raylene I.

Yes shanae but your legs have a thinker epidermis and can handle a lot of abuse than your lady bits. And under arms would just depend on the person. Mine where fine but my friend couldn't go anywher near hers while pregnant even with a razor she'd get bad razor burn.

Dec 12, 2014

Raylene I.

A lot more abuse than*

Dec 12, 2014

Shanae J.

Yes, I know that. I assume it's just different for everyone. I didn't try it simply because it was doctors orders not to. I'm stating only what my doctor told me not to do and why not to do it.

Dec 12, 2014

Shanae J.

You could always try it if your doctor said it's okay, but keep in mind the pros and cons of what could happen.

Dec 12, 2014

Shelley W.

I waxed thru 3 pregnancies and experienced zero issues. Brows, and bikini area. Now if someone was diagnosed with gestational diabetes then it makes sense to avoid waxing because diabetics take longer to heal and if they experience a burn or a cut they risk possible infection which creates a whole other set of issues. You have to go off what is advised by your doctor as he or she knows your current medical history.

Dec 12, 2014

yasmine g.

Lol sory I ment like the usual that ladys wax

Dec 12, 2014

Shanae J.

That's what I was trying to get across, thanks Shelley!

Dec 12, 2014

Brittany R.

I would ask your doctor just cause every doctor says something different, my doctor said it was ok for me to get tattoos while I was pregnant but my cousins doctor told her no I know that's a completely different topic haha sorry I just never asked my doctor about waxing

Dec 12, 2014

Gisell G.

I would ask my dr as well, I never waxed during my pregnancy

Dec 13, 2014

Tessandra R.

When my mom was pregnant she wasn't allowed to wax anywhere, she had to shave. I would definitely go see your doctor and see what they say. They have a better idea of what your specific body will react to. I hope I helped! Xx

Dec 14, 2014

Traci L.

I wax as part of my job and I do wax expecting mothers all the time with no issues , but if a doctor is telling you no I would definitely take it into consideration , better safe than sorry.

Dec 14, 2014

yasmine g.

I talked to my doctor and he sead just as long as its like sensative wax for sensative skin.