How To Make Hair Grow Fast?


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Dec 13, 2014

Emerald N.

Any tips or products that can help me grow my hair out fast? thanks!

Dec 13, 2014

Shanae J.

There are no magic tricks to speed up hair growth. All you can do is care for your hair and be patient. Don't take any pills or vitamins without consulting your doctor first, doing so could cause negative affects.

Dec 13, 2014

Yaira D.

Well as learned,it does have to do with genetics so with that said, there are ways to assure less breakage of the hair therefore having healthier, stronger, and maybe longer hair.
-Sulfate free shampoos
-Hair stimulation within the shower. (Massage your scalp for about 5 minutes within the shower)
-Eat well! (Eggs, nuts,Vitamin C and just an overall good eating habit)
-When you come out the shower, make sure to let your hair dry a bit to where it's damp enough for you to use a wide - toothed comb (:
-1-2 a week you can use a mix of castor oil and coconut and massage it to your scalp and hair the night before you shower
-Hairstyles : Use low buns, low-mid high ponytails here and there so you wouldn't break good hair

Dec 13, 2014

Claire R.

Completely agree with Shanae

Dec 13, 2014

Emerald N.


Dec 13, 2014

Jenny B.

Completely agree with Yaira, she gots it covered.

Dec 13, 2014

Priscilla C.

I heard about the inversion method for hair growth and saw that it worked on others, but thought it didn't. I have been doing it for about 2 months already and it has grown way more then it did in like the previous 4 months. (Really bad with measuring so I can't tell you how many cm,sorry lol) the only thing I do different Is that I massage my scalp in the shower while shampooing. Many people won't believe it because I was one of them but once a tried it I saw fast results!! Go on YouTube and look @ videos :) and the only reason I tried it is because I really want my long hair back.

Dec 13, 2014

Monica K.

I use the Not Your Mothers long and Strong shampoo and Conditioner. I think it works. I'm definitely needing to get a trim more often :)

Dec 13, 2014

Danielle L.

Mane n tail

Dec 13, 2014

Alyx T.

Mane n tail is reaaaally bad for human hair. It's filled with waxes that weigh down your hair. Causing it to appear longer, but duller, dryer and much much more damage prone.

Dec 17, 2014

Leila C.

Try biotin supplements

Dec 17, 2014

Michelle D.

I helped my boyfriends hair grow fast by scalp massages for 3-5 mins every day.I tried this out on my hair when I got a short hair cut I didn't like - it does work because you are stimulating the scalp so that the hair can grow quicker. Plus it's great for relieving tension. But make shure that you don't have oily finger tips otherwise you could just end up with very oily roots. Also Kerestase Initaliste is a really great product that promotes new hair growth ( if you have the budget for it) ^_^