Help... skin gurus nee help!!


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Dec 15, 2014

Tiffany B.

So I have done a DIY facial scrub with coffe grounds (unused ) almond oil, castor oil and a few drops of tea tree oil and have only done this twice and within a few hours I am horribly sick with a migraine and fevers. I don't know what could be causing this , but this is my favorite way to exfoliate my skin but can't do it now because I am scared I will get sick again...

Dec 15, 2014

Nicole R.

Unless you are allergic or sensitive to one of the ingredients you shouldn't be getting a migraine, fevers are caused by your body trying to kill off viruses/bacteria so I don't see any reason your face scrub would give you a fever. my guess is that it's just a coincidence.

Dec 15, 2014

Traci L.

You definitely can become sick from caffeine it simulates your nervous system this scrub is better suited for body not the face where the coffee will be so close to your temples, the skin does absorb it in small amounts.

Dec 15, 2014

Shelley W.

Another prime example as to why DIY products aren't for everyone. I second Traci on this. I can't handle caffeine...consuming it and I certainly can't handle it in a facial scrub. I have an eye cream that contains it and if I use it consistantly I get this funny tingling sensation (probably because it sits high up on the ingredient list). The skin on our face is much thinner than the skin on our lower half so your facial skin is taking in a lot. Leave it alone...its just not worth the discomfort you are going thru now.

Dec 15, 2014

Tiffany B.

I was thinking since it isnt the oils that are making me sick (I've used them for a year now with no issues ) I was thinking its the coffee itself. I was using coffee ground straight out of the bag that havent been used. I was thinking there maybe a chemical on it that would be making me sick...

Dec 15, 2014

Shelley W.

Pesticides. It just came to mind now. They have to spray down the beans during transport so the bugs don't go on a feeding frenzy.

Dec 16, 2014

Angela J.

Maybe you could substitute the coffee for sugar if you don't want to give up your favorite scrub. I don't know if sugar may be to abrasive but I use it with coconut oil as a lip scrub and I love it.

Dec 16, 2014

Tiffany B.

Shelley thats what I was thinking because I had no other symptoms besides severe migraines and fevers up to 103.5 both times. They were high enough to land me in the hospital... I will try sugar I guess...Thanks all.
If anyone knows anything about pesticides used please let me know...

Dec 16, 2014

Shelley W.

Ok, I had to ask my husband about the pesticide used in regards to coffee bean production. He said that there are thousands of pesticides currently in use across the board for all types of agriculture and some are banned in the You.S. while the outlawed chems are still being used overseas so its hard to say which company uses what chems on their crops. He said if wanting pesticide free coffee or even tea for that matter you must seek out pesticide-free products (very expensive).
Triadimefan,Endosulfan,chlorpyrisfos,methlparathion. Those are just those that he knows off the top of his head.

It would be dang near impossible to pin-point if it was a pesticide or pesticides that caused you to become sick because the standard prick test at most dermo offices cover standard allergens. You would have to go thru blood draws where the blood would go thru advance testing (costing a grip load of money) or pulling of hair strands with follicle attached to test for chem levels in your system. Hope this was some help.

Dec 17, 2014

Tiffany B.

Shelley , did he say any of the ones off the top of his head could cause those symptoms? High fevers and Severe Migraines , nausea.

Dec 17, 2014

Shelley W.

He didn't say but I later looked them up and the adverse effects for them mention the symptoms you just listed. In all actuality your common household chems can give the same symptoms if absorbed by the skin if you one has a compromised immune system.

A lot of companies,especially produce producers will not publicly disclose the pesticides used on their crops. Do you also drink coffee as well? I know that if I consume too much coffee with caffeine over the course of a week I will come down with massive migraines and severe nausea. And I don't dare do topical DIY treatments with coffee for that very reason.

Dec 17, 2014

Tiffany B.

I drink it daily (same brand as what I used but I use a different roast and their k cups ) , never get migraines from to much or to little coffee. I have a sneaking hunch that their is something wrong with my immune system but have to go through all the hoops to find a doctor that believes me...

Dec 17, 2014

Angela J.

I know how you feel about getting the doctor to run the tests you think you need. It sounds like you may want to try to convince them you need an ANA panel. I just had one as I was pretty confident my health problems were stemming from an auto immune disorder. It came back negative only leaving more questions but I'm so glad to have found a doctor that listens. I wish you luck!

Tiffany B.

Southern California