Bad Anxiety


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Dec 27, 2012

Ilana E.

Ok please don't kill me for posting this question because its not beauty related but it says advice and I'm in need of some. Now to the question, I am moving out of my parents house for the first time tomorrow and I am sooo nervous and I have bad anxiety. It usually goes away with time but i can't stop worrying about it. Do any of you ladies have advice about moving out for the first time. I'm not worried about the financial part just the being out of my comfort zone and away from friends and family,and little things like that. Thank you

Dec 27, 2012

Dar H.

This is so me a year ago!!!! I moved out and I have the worst insomnia and anxiety I really dont know how to help u in the sad department because u will miss everything at first and probably hate things at first. What really helped me was getting into yoga. I hate working out I mean HATE . Yoga made me more
Positive and outgoing I've always been that way but just get into a hobby that u like :)

Dec 27, 2012

Ilana E.

It's like I'm wondering if I'm making the right decision lol all my other friends are like I love living on my own but I'm sooo the opposite. Hopefully I will adjust because its not even the same city but I can try to make the best out of it. And I will probably get the insomnia to because something about night time freaks me out and my brain keeps me awake I know it's weird but it happens. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's going/went through it and the hobby is a really great idea I might have to try yoga. Thank you so much I really appreciate it :)

Dec 27, 2012

Sarah R.

I felt like that when I moved to the other end of the country... I won't lie I had a hard time and was back within 18 months but in hindsight it was still the best move I ever made because of how I'd grown and the opportunities I'd created. I'm concious that this doesn't sound much like advice but just go out there and do your best and throw yourself into it. which I know is really hard when your naturally an anxious person like me but you'll know whether you made The right decision soon enough and if it don't work out then you still have the benefit of the experience so don't feel like its all or nothing. and if its just mainly about being alone once your settled and made some pals I'm sure you could get a flat share or something. but seriously its great. living alone. you haven't lived until you've cleaned in nothing but your panties! 

Dec 28, 2012

Rachel B.

Invite your friends over to help you feel more comfortable in the first week or if you have siblings invite them to stay the first night so it's not so lonely. Also splurge on something Nice for your appt. candles, blankets, etc.  I

Dec 28, 2012

Courtney O.

I have the worst anxiety. It really affects how I live my life now, because it's gotten so bad. The only thing that calms me down is focusing on something that makes you really happy or talking to someone you love. Just take deep breaths, live and focus on something else! :) Anxiety sucks! 

Dec 28, 2012

Rachel C.

I was dying to get out of my house, but I think that's only because I had really strict parents. But my thing that I looked forward to was having complete control over everything when I moved out...bedtime, decor, people over etc. It was constantly one big party! However the parties and the company get old but my advice would be that this is your time to truly discover yourself and really be YOU. Work hard, play hard and surround yourself with good people!!!! 

Dec 28, 2012

Ilana E.

Thanks for the advice ladies. I can usually keep my anxiety down just by taking deep breaths but it would no go away lol. I calmed down and I've realized that if I wasn't ready for it my parents wouldn't let me leave and I have to go because I need to finish school hopefully everything goes well and if not the doors always open at home. Thank you ladies sooo much. I was hoping I wasn't gonna get go to yahoo answers for advice lol. 

Dec 28, 2012

Emilie L.

I completely understand this. I moved out last year for school and this year moved into my first apartment. I have panic disorder so just perpetual anxiety attacks basically and I've definitely found living away from home to be a challenge. But like everyone you eventually cope and there are advantages. It's nice to feel independent and more in control of your life. My anxiety is very debilitating, to the point where it's almost entirely taken over my life and I find indulging in something I really love helps me cope. Make sure to go out quite a bit because it is easy to get into a bit of a rut when moving out! Embrace this change though because it's both uncomfortable and amazing.

Dec 28, 2012

Sarah R.

Effexor XR has worked wonders for my anxiety. just throwing it out there. I don't think I could have kept on with crippling panic attacks. Also CBT is supposed to be excellent as well but I've been on a waiting list. for ages to be referred to a practitioner

Dec 28, 2012

Rebecca S.

Yoga is really helpful with anxiety, so is crochet and knitting. Turning the electronics off an hour before you sleep and reading, or doing something else quiet and relaxing helps.
It's a big move, everyones been there, or will :)

Dec 28, 2012

Maura P.

Yoga will help you and if the yoga class is in your new area it will help you meet new people as can also get a pet that way you dnt feel super alone and its nice when you have a pet to be able to take it for a walk and get some fresh air
good luck and take it easy :)

Dec 28, 2012

Joanna R.

Mcognitive behavioural therapy is amazing! My anxiety got so bad I wouldn't leave the house and now I'm fine and braver than most! The trick is to always question those anxious thoughts. Try to see from another perspective, kind of what u would say to a friend if they asked for advice. U dont need a practitioner just understand that everyone has anxiety but u challenge it, get on with things and feel amazing that u conquer those little fears and control them instead of the other way around! Hope this helps whatever u do question those scary or unhappy thoughts find out why u feel them and basically attack them with a positive alternative as to what could happen! Good luck and have fun with this new chapter in your life! :)

Dec 28, 2012

Penelope W.

this is some advice you might not be looking for but I hope it should adjust pretty fast, lock doors and windows, dont get yourself in credit card debt, have fun embrace the change and your new life, dont trust all of your "friends" people you think u ou can trust are normally the first ones to steal from you. if you decide to have someone move in with you be sure they are able to split bills and costs. its your house dont let ppl walk over you make sure ppl are respecting you and your house. get a pet if u can afford one they will be comforting to you. hope I helped a little :-)