Picking Foundation Online?


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Oct 26, 2014

Mari F.

How would I go about trying to pick my perfect color in foundation when shopping online? I want to try the RCMA foundation but have never used it.

Oct 26, 2014

Clarissa T.

Don't take the risk

Oct 26, 2014

katie s.


Oct 26, 2014

Kitty K.

Purchasing samples definitely helps. RCMA is a professional foundation though and I was able to match myself without any help so I will warn you that it isn't exactly for the light hearted.

Oct 26, 2014

Lauren B.

Use findation.com to find your perfect match using the colours you know from other brands!

Oct 26, 2014

Olivia A.

For myself...I find it very easy to pick foundations colours online and I have gotten it right every time.

Oct 26, 2014

Alicia C.

I would suggest either first buying samples, and/or chatting with a makeup expert online if you're not sure of the correct shade. I'm unfamiliar if RCMA has any MUA's readily available, but the women at the Lancôme and Estee Lauder counters (on the Macy's website) are very helpful in helping you find your right foundation shade, even if its not technically their department (just be sure you are really nice and try to be as specific as possible). There are also a ton of other online makeup artists that will probably help you out as well!

Oct 27, 2014

Mari F.

Thank you ladies, I'll definitely do some research first.

Oct 27, 2014

Mari F.

Someone suggested it. I'm trying new things, I also saw they have colorless setting powder which I have never tried. It has great reviews, and a great price. Do you not recommend it?

Oct 27, 2014

Mari F.

Yes thank you I definitely will. I understand what you mean about application, sometimes you can look at a person and tell they've applied wrong. I will be sure to do my research. Thanks again! (: