Nose stud questions!


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Oct 27, 2014

Symone B.

Hey loves,

Hopefully you haven't forgotten me, I've been gone so long lol. I still love you girls though ❤️

Question: would a nose stud suit my face and share your knowledge and/ or experience on nose studs!

Things I'm curious about:
-healing process/time

Oct 27, 2014

Symone B.


Oct 27, 2014

Dereanna D.

I think it would suit you. Price wise, it varies place to place. I paid $35, but there's no telling on how much they charge near you. It takes about 6 months for it to be fully healed. As for cleaning, I use warm-hot water with non iodized sea salt & a cotton ball, I let it soak three times a day. Try to be careful with it cause you don't want a keloid.

Oct 27, 2014

Tara N.

It'd definitely suit :) mine cost €14 and took about 3 weeks to heal and as for cleaning, just use warm salty water or a tiny bit of detol and a capful of water. Many people say not to get it done with a gun as it makes the hole too big but this is my 3rd time getting it done and first with a gun and all of my old studs fit perfectly in it! Plus the gun is painless and getting it done with a needle is painful! Goodluck:)

Oct 27, 2014

Brianna M.

My nose was my least painful piercing and then got it done with a needle. I've heard guns tend to cause those keloids and I paid $20 for mine at a tattoo shop I washed mine with antibacterial soap I think I can't remember mine took 6 weeks to heal I love my piercing I think they suit everyone I just love piercings in general lol I say go for it!

Oct 27, 2014

Hannah D.

You could totally rock it:) Mine was 40 dollars and with a needle. I would definitely suggest the needle instead of the gun method. And I washed mine with the cleaner they gave to me! But I don't know how long it takes to heal as I took mine out after about 2 months and it grew back:)

Oct 27, 2014

Chantz E.

I think that it would look good for you but they might tell you you might not have the right nose I don't know

Oct 27, 2014

Shanae J.

I don't think you have to have a certain type of nose? Lol. I think it'd look beautiful on you. I don't know much about it. I was thinking about getting one myself and I was told not to let them use a gun due to sanitary reasons, being that they don't wash their guns. Hope I helped a little!

Oct 27, 2014

Phoebe F.

I think it would personally look great on you. I've had mine done for a few months now and still a little sore but nothing unbearable. I live in the uk and paid?25 for mine ($35 ish) and I personally love it. Just makr sure you clean it regularly and don't change it excessively/force it as you can damage some of the skin inside and around the piercing. Good luck :)

Oct 27, 2014

Phoebe F.

Oh and make sure they use a needle as a gun can shatter your cartilage and a needle is less painful.

Oct 27, 2014

Chantz E.

My freind was told she doesn't have the right nose so yes they can tell you you don't have right nose

Oct 27, 2014

Kimberley T.

Nose piercings suits everyone, the placement just has to be right. Mine cost $50 AUD and an extra $30 for a titanium stud, healing time is all depending on how you take care of it and clean it. Don't twist it, don't pick off the crusties and leave the initial piercing in as long as possible. If for any reason you need to take it out or change it when it is still healing then go back to your piercer. To clean it you have to boil water and then mix in about 1 teaspoon per 250mL, once the solution has cooled (I like to use it when it's still warm) gently wash the piercing - there are many different ways to do so but I like to use a cotton bud and my nasal douche to gently wet the inside portion of the piercing.

Oct 27, 2014

Kimberley T.

Mix in 1 teaspoon of sea salt *

Oct 27, 2014

Chantz E.

Not everyone nose is right for it

Oct 27, 2014

Shanae J.

Anyone with a nose can get a nose piercing.

Oct 27, 2014

Tori J.

I think you would look super good with it!!

Oct 27, 2014

Teresa P.

Hey Symone nobody will ever forget you 😘 I think the nose stud is a stunning ( no pun intended ) way to bring some sparkle to your face haha I'm not sure about prices and such but I think you should go for it :)

Oct 27, 2014

Chantz E.

Why are people saying that I know that I when and I asked a tatoo person so don't telll me right and wrong

Oct 28, 2014

Symone B.

Thank you ladies! Sooo much helpful info! Now I just have to convince my mom. She doesn't want me to get one because when she had one she got frequent headaches? So bizarre!