Fake or a talent?


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Dec 20, 2014

Cece H.

Today I was insulted for wearing to much makeup, even though I was wearing a natural look. Because I was wearing makeup that made me fake and covering my natural beauty. What do you guys think about it, shouldn't someone be able to wear what they want to, what about natural beauty x

Dec 20, 2014

Hannah K.

I think people should be able to wear as much or as little makeup as they want to without people judging them.
Plus, they're probably jealous because you're beautiful!!xxx

Dec 20, 2014

Shaye M.

Honestly this used to happen a lot to me throughout school even though I only wear foundation, mascara and do my eyebrows on a regular basis lol! Just ignore them, it's always the people that don't know/ care for anything about makeup application that pick on people who do wear it 🙌😘

Dec 20, 2014

Sandy M.

I think you should just not worry about it & wear as much make up as you want at the end of the day it's your face your body not theirs& their is nothing wrong with wearing too much make up , if you watch tymetheinfamous on YouTube god the looks she does and the amount of make up is unbelievable but guess what it looks amazing , she's gorgeous!

Dec 20, 2014

Tay C.

Ok, well I'm only 14. People always think I'm like 12 or 11 because of my "baby face" When people see me wearing makeup they are shocked because of my age! I love makeup just like everyone else on here and it's my passion! Don't let someone tell you how to wear your makeup! Be yourself! Makeup is a way of expressing yourself, so it doesn't matter what anyone thinks! Wear what ever you want to, don't be afraid! Makeup in my opinion isn't to "coverup" your natural beauty but instead to show a part of your personality that you just can't show with words!

Dec 20, 2014

Sarah N.

I think it depends on who noticed it if I'm being honest. Guys don't usually know the difference between a girl wearing makeup and one not (if it's a natural look), so if a dude pointed this out to you, I'd get a second opinion. Your makeup could be getting cakey throughout the day, and could be making you look "fake". If it was a girl, they were being judgey, as girls often can be. I think you should wear what you want, whether that's nothing or tons of makeup, but if it really bothers you if other people think you're fake, then wear less. If you don't care and can get over it, then wear what you want. You need to do what makes you happy, and if people's opinions of you are more important than continuing what you're doing, then change.

Dec 20, 2014

Rebecca B.

Do your makeup however you like; even if you did wear a ton of makeup, it's not hurting anyone - it's your face not theirs! From your pictures, your makeup looks great and not too much anyway 😄

Dec 20, 2014

Gabby M.

Wear whatever you want, and rock it girl! She was probably just jealous that she didnt have your great makeup skills lol! Also its YOUR face, not hers!! If she doesn't like it, she doesn't have to copy you, or look, etc., She has her own face that she can do whatever she wants with! Also I cannot stress enough that you can't please everyone!! Some people are going to love dark heavy looks, some people arent going to like any makeup at all, everyone has a different opinion so do what makes YOU happy, since its literally impossible to please everyone! After all, you are the one spending the whole day with yourself, you should be able to feel confident, and not just wear things that other people who see you for a couple of minutes want you to :p.

Dec 20, 2014

Gabby M.

Personally, I think your makeup looks frickin fabulous and suits you well :D.

Dec 20, 2014

Claire R.

Agree with gabby

Dec 20, 2014

Isabel M.

The b**** who said that can f*** h** p**** behind a f****** tree. You schould wear the amount of make-up YOU like. Not what they like. If they don't like it they should close their eyes. Jeez.

Dec 20, 2014

Rissa G.

Lmfao ^

Dec 20, 2014

Rissa G.

Also, girl do you, people are going to criticize regardless...might as well do what make you happy lol.

Dec 20, 2014

Gisell G.

Renay said is perfectly.

Dec 20, 2014

Gisell G.

You wear probably wearing more makeup for their liking, & maybe that's a reason YOU were wearing it not them lol. When people tell me that I say thank you this is how I like it :-)

Dec 20, 2014

Aseel S.

I hate it when ppl say that to me " you look so pretty but you wear too much makeup" like its not your face lol!! Leave me alone 😭😂

Dec 20, 2014

Alli P.

I think people should mind their own business. That's it.

Dec 20, 2014

Alma M.

That's unfortunate Cece. Did this person actually say those words you posted above? or is it how you took it? I say this because sometimes people say things to try and ease away from actually saying your makeup looks a bit off then people wearing the makeup get a little peeved about it without asking what they meant,it's one of those dicey conversations.It's pretty much like here on Beautylish we all try to help out with out hurting feelings so truthful comments are really slim.I find it a little sad that just because a female mentions something another female thinks is awful that as females they automatically think the worst or she's out to get you or it's Jealously (smh) that word gets thrown around like it's true to who we are as ladies (just plain jealous with no good intentions) and at this point maybe all of us should be wearing the letter J on our shirts if that's all most think about females lol it's just something to think about because everyone has good intentions and some don't but that is why you have a voice to question when things like that come to play.If ever that happens again just say constructive criticism is welcome and what do you think would look best?! Lol because if then they don't have a so called solution or feel at ease to be truthful as to why they said it then you have the upper hand to say what you feel and why you did what you did. :) Brush it off with a Fan brush. 

Dec 29, 2014

Isabel M.

Alma is more then right 👌👌🔝🔝