Anyone try the INVERSION METHOD❓❓


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Dec 30, 2014

lysia w.

Has anyone tried the inversion method for hair growth? Did it work? What were your results? Pics if you could too😁😁

Dec 30, 2014

Shanae J.

No, it doesn't work. There's no magic tricks to hair growth. Just take care of your hair and be patient, that's all you can do.

Jan 1, 2015

Lana F.

I agree with @jacqlyn flip hour hair over your head/bend over and try it then it works for me

Jan 2, 2015

Sameera I.

There's no need to physically bend the head over. Best thing is to rub either olive, almond, coconut or castor oil into the scalp and leaving in for few hours before a shower