What's the difference between bb cream and CC cream?


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Jan 1, 2015

Mindee H.

Which one should I go with?!? What's the difference between them?

Jan 1, 2015

Rissa G.

Cc cream is just used to cover things like sallowness or redness, it doesn't have much benefits nor the greatest coverage. It's more of a corrector. Bb cream has some coverage, has some benefits (spf, anti-aging, renewing, moisturizing, etc), and is what I use for everyday use. The one I use has pretty much medium coverage.

Jan 2, 2015

Mindee H.

Thnx so much renay. I was using Bb cream and itt just ran out so I was wondering if I should go back to it or try Cc cream! Thnx for your help.

Jan 2, 2015

Rissa G.

Yup :)

Jan 2, 2015

Gisell G.

Renay what bb cream do you use?

Jan 2, 2015

Rissa G.

Garnier :) it's my holy grail