Is this a good product for oily skin?


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Dec 31, 2014

Jasmine B.

Please help I do not know if I should get this product but I do love their professional primer it is very good. I need to know what this product is good for and what's it's use.

Dec 31, 2014

Jasmine B.

This is it.

Dec 31, 2014

Holly W.

See if they have samples available if you haven't bought it already 😗 if you ask, they might be able to get you one. And if they have a return policy, you could try it that way too. 😀

Dec 31, 2014

Ashley D.

It's a setting powder, so the use is the same as any standard powder. And by the name my guess is that it targets shine so it would be wonderful for oily skin.

Dec 31, 2014

Holly W.

Or it is for dry skin, and makes it "shine"

Dec 31, 2014

Ashley D.

I've actually seen lots of reviews on this and plus it says zero shine. If you wanted a dewy look you wouldn't use a setting powder, but instead a highlight or something in that category.

Dec 31, 2014

Jasmine B.

Thanks 😊