Olive oil on skin.


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Dec 29, 2014

K R.

What is the best kind of Olive oil to use on skin? Is it safe to use on face too?

Dec 29, 2014

Lauren G.

You can get jojoba oil at Walmart for cheap.

Dec 29, 2014

Kiimy B.

I've been using tarte maracuja oil and it's amaaaaazinnnnng!

Dec 29, 2014

K R.

Ok is jojoba in the beauty section or? Jojoba is better than olive oil? I keep reading how a lot of people use olive oil to make skin look healthier and younger.

Dec 29, 2014

Shanae J.

Olive oil clogs my pores and makes me break out. Honestly, it feels like putting grease on my face.

Dec 29, 2014

Gloria M.

Works wonders for me actually.

Dec 29, 2014

Ariana G.

Olive oil can clog your pores. If you're going to use olive oil on your face use a 100% pure organic extra virgin olive oil

Dec 29, 2014

Maggie M.

It's one of the oldest moisturizers and top ingredient in some of my favorites ☺️ I use it in a ton of body products. It's an oil that doesn't get enough love around here..try warming some up and use it instead of coconut as a hair mask!

Dec 29, 2014

Kat H.

I use olive oil EVERYTHING on my face and body and I love it!! I use an olive oil soap from 80 Acres, as well as their body wash and lotion. You can find a GREAT olive oil face care starter kit from DHC. It may sound expensive at first, but you use so very little of it, it will last you a very, very long time (literally, I only use a single drop of the olive oil serum at night!) DHC products are healthy, moisturizing, and effective. The makeup remover is great, too, particularly since I use waterproof eyeliner and mascara. It comes off easily, but is gentle and moisturizing. If you order a catalog, they usually have a few tiny samples inside for you to try. 
