Cleaning Makeup Brushes


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Dec 28, 2014

G E.

Hello! I think the time has come to clean my makeup brushes. Is there any tips or steps you can give me? What exactly is the process to clean brushes of all the makeup that sticks to them?

Dec 28, 2014

Alexis M.

I really just use baby soap and warm water. Be careful that you don't scrub too hard because it can change the shape of the brush. And if any of your brushes have bamboo handles be super careful not to get them wet. I swirl the tip in my hand and then hold it under the water until it runs clear. I'd do this after you're done with makeup for the day because they can take a while to dry!

Dec 28, 2014

Ari M.

I clean them the same way I clean my paintbrushes
Clarifying shampoo in your palms
Rub the bristles in the palms to lather up
Rinse till water is clear
Dry with bristles pointing down so it doesn't pool into the base and weaken the glue

Dec 28, 2014

G E.

Thank you guys so much! I use the Vera Mona Color Switch which helps me get rid of a pigment of a brush so I can use the same brush for another color, but I feel like it was time to give them a wash. Thanks.

Dec 28, 2014

Raylene I.

I use baby shampoo, I run my taps a little lower temp then warm. Put the shampoo in my palm and swirl my brush head around in it and rinse and do that until the water runs clear and the soap bubbles stay white. As jacqlyn mentioned dry them upside down, for me it's a bacteria thing, I don't want moisture to stay trapped inside and breed bacteria.

Dec 28, 2014

M G.

I use a mixture of a cup of water a little dawn and viniger

Dec 28, 2014

Paola B.

I use the beauty blender solid for my beauty blender as well as for my blushes. It seems as if it's the most effective for getting all of the color off my brushes and it leaves them great!

Dec 28, 2014

Alexa G.

Dial antibacterial soap

Dec 28, 2014

Josii c.

Baby shampoo and gentle face cleanser works, but I mix a little rubbing alcohol with water and baby shampoo in a bottle and shake it up. it gets all the scummy old makeup off of my brushes while disinfecting them (:

Dec 28, 2014

Lauren S.

I just use hand soap and rub the brush in that and hot water until there's nothing left. Glad I could help!