Dry dry skin help 😧


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Dec 31, 2014

Erin L.

My skin is so dry what can I put on it? Cetaphil lotion breaks me out 😧
I do have some vitamin e oil?? Will that work? Does that clog pores ðŸ˜§

Dec 31, 2014

Erin L.

I've been using this as a moisturizer?? Can you do that? Do I need a moisturizer with this?

Dec 31, 2014

Lauren G.

I would get some jojoba oil an mix it in with a gentle moisturizer like cerave.

Dec 31, 2014

Lauren G.

Jojoba oil is just a few bucks at Walmart I think it will really help.

Dec 31, 2014

M G.

I agree with Lauren.

Dec 31, 2014

Erin L.

Thanks ladies :)

Dec 31, 2014

Anna C.

You could also use Clinique Moisturizing lotion. I know it is kinda expensive, but it works!

Dec 31, 2014

Lisa S.

Cetaphil is not the best for dry skin. I recommend CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser and Moisturizing Cream. I mix one or two drops of Radiance Vitamin E Oil (got it at CVS) with my moisturizer and it really does help in the winter time when my skin js drier and its makes my skin look likes it glowing. I only do it at night and it has never made my skin breakout in the two years I've been using it.

Dec 31, 2014

Lisa S.

I also have tried that Fade Cream and I would not use that as a moisturizer! It broke me out too after using it for a while...

Dec 31, 2014

Lisa S.

Jojobo oil is great but I would go to a GNC store to get it instead of walmart but thats just me. Also Vitamin E Oil is amazing for dark spots and anti-aging, (thats why I started using it and its worked better than any other fade cream I've tried and like the one you are using) I think it would be okay to use it along with jojoba oil but I find it to be moisturizing enough by itself and the Cerave.

Dec 31, 2014

Brittany C.

May not want to us the fade cream as a moisturizer but instead dab it on your problem areas. I used it in high school and it worked like a charm.

Jan 2, 2015

Kat Y.

Origins Night-a-mins is a great moisturizer for dry skin. I also use it with a serum like Kiehl's Midnight Recovery or Argan Oil.

My skin was super dry/sensitive my whole life and I have eczema. I used to have dry patches like your photo but on my forehead and sides of my face. Surprisingly the best thing that worked for me was buying a Clarisonic. I was afraid it was going to be too abrasive, but my skin built up a tolerance after a few months. My skin is more on the normal side now and I never get those flaky areas anymore.