Not eyelid primer?


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Dec 27, 2012

Emily E.

What can I use instead of eyelid primer?

Dec 27, 2012

Fata M.

Concealer I used to use before I even knew about eye primers. 

Dec 27, 2012

Julianne J.

Yes, concealer set with a little powder is a great alternative, or some foundation set with a little powder. Before e.s. primers were on the market MUAs used concealer and foundation as eyeshadow primers. 

Dec 27, 2012

Emily E.

What if you don't have concealer? Haha. I'm new to makeup. 

If you don't have concealer or primer then just use some foundation I suppose 

Dec 27, 2012

Putri Dwi A.

Can i use a face primer? Actually, the silicone base one.. 

Dec 27, 2012

Yesenia P.

Bases like Mac paint pots or Maybelline color tattoos

Dec 27, 2012

Alyse M.

i've always used mac paint pots unless i get a sample or trial size with another product, but you probably don't have any of those either if you don't have concealer...

putri you can use face primer but make sure you're matching bases.. if you use a silicone based primer you have to use silicone based foundation, same with water based. 

Dec 27, 2012

Alyse M.

sarah, that's a good question. i googled and couldn't find any lists or anything for you. i think you just have to go by a specific foundation and lots of times the description will say which it is, and a google search will tell you right away.

for example, on the mac site: "A water-based, water-resistant foundation that provides long-lasting, natural coverage for face and/or body. Ideal for all skin types." << face and body foundation

Dec 27, 2012

Alice H.

Sarah, if the second ingredient is a silicone then it's a silicone base. All (as far as I know) have the first ingredient as water, but water based ones don't have silicone as the second ingredient.