Proper age to wear makeup.


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Dec 8, 2014

Karleigh C.

When do you guys think is the proper age to start wearing makeup?

Dec 8, 2014

kim N.

I started wearing makeup when I was 15

Dec 8, 2014

Lucy J.

I started wearing makeup when I turned 13, but that was only some concealer and a little bit of mascara and lip gloss.

Dec 8, 2014

Lucy J.

Full face would probably be 15 or 16.

Dec 8, 2014

Shaye M.

Honestly I started quite young wearing a full face of foundation, brows and loads of mascara. I think I was 13, though looking back I should've just waited til' I was like 17 to really start wearing it on a daily basis and should've just worn makeup on occasion but no regrets haha! :) I think about 15 is okay to start experimenting a little further then bb creams and lipgloss, yano?

Dec 8, 2014

J L.

Any age. As long as your parents allow you to wear makeup than I don't think age matters.

Dec 8, 2014

Emerald N.

I started at 11 but that was only light mascara.

Dec 8, 2014

Madison M.

Any age as long as your personally satified with your appearance. I think its fine as long as youre doing it for yourself, instead of as an attempt to please other people with what you put on your face every morning. I started wearing eyeshadow at 11. I didnt start with eyeliner and mascara until 12 or 13. And just earlier this year I started to fill my brows (which is now a must for me)
And I agree with Jocelyne, I think anyones parents should be comfortable with the amount of makeup their children wear.

Dec 8, 2014

Mari F.

I was allowed to when I started HS (14) and will definitely be doing the same for my daughter. But only pencil liner and mascara until probably 16 lol I didn't start full face until I was 19.

Dec 8, 2014

Roz X.

13 for Beauty Balm, lip gloss and clear mascara. Freshman in high school is when I began to wear foundation, mascara and lip color.

Dec 8, 2014

Roz X.

(but it was minimal) 16 before I stepped it up. My mother gave me a book on application. I think application and moderation is key when embarking on cosmetics.

Dec 8, 2014

Chris N.

How come you all wear makeup at 13? 0.0 I was 18 when I first tried makeup (I had bad bad dark circles) and girls around me didn't wear any either. but now every little girl I see wear makeup and they look old older than me! that's fascinating.

Dec 8, 2014

Sam L.


Dec 8, 2014

Amy F.


Dec 8, 2014

Ashley D.

When ever. I always played with makeup, like dress up, but never got into it until I started watching YouTube. Never wore it "everyday" until 9th grade but thats just because I had time.

Dec 8, 2014

Sadie G.

11/12 puberty hits and you decide your lashes need a lil pushup.

Dec 8, 2014

Rissa G.

Well, its all personal.preference long as you not 1)trying to impress others 2)looking way beyond your years.

I personally started wearing just eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss at 13. wasn't until I was 17/18 until I started wearing face makeup.

Dec 8, 2014

Kendra H.

There is no proper age. It's up to you as well as your parents. I was wearing a full face by 13

Dec 8, 2014

Alice L.

I wore make up junior ( high school) at age 17.

Dec 8, 2014

Meagan M.

Honestly, that is a good question.
I think girls should wear makeup at a younger age. Sounds crazy right?
I think that girls should learn about makeup. Most of my makeup I do was self
taught and at times it looked really bad. I wouldn't stay that girls at 12 should wear
makeup daily. But I think girls need to learn about makeup and hygiene after using

To answer the actual question. I think that girls should be able to wear makeup
when they want but they need to understand how it works!

Dec 8, 2014

Stay happy L.

I think 12 is a good really depends on the girl if she is mature.. At 12 then that's a pretty good age. If she is not mature at 12 wait until 13

Dec 8, 2014

Kathryn L.

I started wearing a light face (foundation and mascara) at 13 and only eye shadow and lips for special occasion. I started wearing makeup because my acne was so bad. But I don't think it really matters what age if you have something to cover (acne, dark circles, ect)

Dec 8, 2014

Caitlin D.

I feel bad now I wear a full face of makeup everyday ( well foundation concealer, mascara, eyebrow, lip product) and I'm 14 , have been doing so since I was 12 but that's because I had really bad skin. Probably didn't help But I don't think it matters what age really (:

Dec 8, 2014

Jenny A.

My mom set an arbitrary time of age 13 for makeup and pierced ears. I had friends in high school who would get up at 5:30 in the morning to do a full face and I just never saw the point. Because I wasn't super interested in it, I never had proper tools or anything, didn't know how to really apply anything. When I was in theater in high school we had a basic tutorial in theatrical makeup, but I never managed to figure out how to apply what I learned for the stage on a daily basis, until I was in my thirties.