Acne Scars Removal


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Dec 9, 2014

Annel A.

How can I remove acne scars?

Dec 9, 2014

Kristina S.

I use Bio Oil. It works and I just use it twice a day everyday. It looks like this and its easy to find.

Dec 9, 2014

Kristina S.

Alexis and Jacqlyn are right. However I only use it to get rid of dark marks on my face and wash it off.

Dec 9, 2014

Kristina S.

And you shouldn't leave it on long but it works for some people not all

Dec 10, 2014

Isabelle G.

Olive oil can be said to be the most skin friendly oil because it contains a whole lot of vitamins, iron and antioxidants. The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil also help remove acne scars. You need to apply olive oil to your scars before going to bed. Take a little olive oil and gently massage your face with this. Massage for a few minutes till the time you can feel that all the oil has been absorbed by your skin then wash it off.