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Dec 3, 2014

kim N.

Which one do you like better? mac prep and prime pen or nars radiant creamy concealer for highlighting? I have oily skin.

I prefer the NARS, the MAC highlight pen in yellow (I forgot the shade name?) it turned- really- YELLOW on me, lol!! It oxidized so badly on me like nothing ever, it was hysterical! I got home, looked in the mirror, and busted up laughing, I looked like a little girl who had rubbed dandelions under her eyes!😂 I'm very pale, but I don't know what happened?? I'm dying to try the Artist of Makeup Highlighting Sticks!!😍

Dec 3, 2014

Dilara K.

The mac prep and prime pen is better, my sister uses this;)

Dec 3, 2014

Alex M.

Nars concealer is great but it's a concealer which you can highlight with but the prep and prime is made for highlighting. I personally use both:)

Dec 3, 2014

Karine C.

Mac prep prime pen! :)

Dec 3, 2014

kim N.

Thanks so much everyone. is the nars concealer really creamy as in runny? I have oily skin so I'm not sure whether it will start melting down my face. I always use powder to set.

Dec 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Nars creamy concealer isn't runny at all its just creamy but stays put if your worried just set it with a powder.

Dec 3, 2014

Ms L.

Definitely MAC for highlighting. And there are other shades not just yellow tone if that doesn't work for you :)