Need Help :(


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Dec 7, 2014

Angeline Q.

I'm brown skin and I can't decided what is the perfect hair color for brown me, brown, black, red, etc? Need help. also my eyes are dark brown and I also want them to stand out, what hair color can I use??

Dec 7, 2014

Chloe M.

A red colour would be gorgeous!😍😍

Dec 7, 2014

Angeline Q.

I want to dye this hair color, do you think it would look good?

Dec 7, 2014

Shanae J.

I think your hair would look gorgeous jet black!

Dec 7, 2014

Chloe M.

Yeah it would be lovely! you seem like one of them people that any colour would suit them!😩

Dec 7, 2014

Angeline Q.

I have my jet black actually (: but the hair color slowly coming off :( and thanks chole likewise  (:!!

Dec 7, 2014

Chloe M.

Anytime🙈 oh no way! The only colour that will ever suit me is brunette unfortunately 😩

Dec 7, 2014

katie s.

^ same. But mine is blonde. I tried the wash out dyes & none look good on me. Guess ill stay blonde forever! I think that color would suit you perfectly (:

Dec 7, 2014

Angeline Q.

Have you tryed a ombre (:?? it's really popular now a days (:

Dec 7, 2014

katie s.

No! I've personally never used any permanent hair color. I've just tried the wash out kinds. I should check into ombré sometime (:

Dec 7, 2014

Angeline Q.

You should(: thanks for replying  btw

Dec 7, 2014

Shanae J.

You have to buy a color safe shampoo and conditioner that's specifically for black hair honey. You can purchase it from a beauty store. They make one for almost every color to keep the color in your hair.