Skin help please x


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Dec 4, 2014

Keeley A.

Ways to get clear skin x

Dec 4, 2014

Kay C.

I been battling witg hormonal acne very long...tried many things. right now what I feel is working is the peter thomas roth glycolic acid wash.

Dec 5, 2014

Rebecca S.

Many years ago, I experienced very bad acne as a side effect of a medication I was on. My doctor prescribed a topical cream to put on after washing my face. She said it didn't matter too much what I washed with, but something with salicylic acid would be best. After washing, I massaged the lotion, Benzeclin (spelling?), into my skin. The product was effective because it contained benzoyl peroxide to help control the oil on my skin, and a mild antibiotic to help kill the germs on my skin and in my pores before they developed into full fledged acne. Obviously, you need a prescription to get the Benzeclin, but it's pretty tame stuff. Most doctors (as in, you can prolly just ask your GP, you don't need a dermatologist) would be happy to call in a prescription for you to give it a try. Good luck!

Dec 7, 2014

Keeley A.

Thank you