Opinion On Fake Nails?


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Nov 16, 2014

Emma L.

I don't know whether I want to get fake nails or to just keep them natural.

Nov 16, 2014

Shaye M.

It really depends, how are your nails naturally? I only liked having fakes on when I had a super bad biting habit, they didn't make me stop biting my nails but at least I could have long nails for a change lol. I don't bite mine anymore so I don't feel the need for fake nails unless it's a special occasion :)

Nov 16, 2014

Shawna L.

I love the look of fake nails but they really destroy your natural nails so I only get fake nails on special occasions or if I bute my nails down to far to have gels or a shellac. if you have fairly nice natrual nails I'd go with gela or a shellac because it looks just as nice and lasts as long as fake nails (sometimes) and doesn't completely ruin your nails.

Nov 16, 2014

Maggie M.

^^^ I agree
They do look amazing sometimes, but after a few weeks they leave your nails really weak and fit for pretty much nothing
I'd only go for them occasionally x :)

Nov 16, 2014

Shaye M.

Hahah that's always the worst part :( my nails always snap a few hours after taking them off lol!

Nov 16, 2014

Jax V.

I never really wear fake nails because :
• they keep coming off
• they usually never fit my nails
• you must clip the ends so they do fit you
• you cannot wash your hands or do anything that involves acetone

Nov 16, 2014

Shawna L.

Jax were ever you go to get your nails done must not be that great because at a good nail salon your nails will not come off really easy since they basically almost super glue the nail tip to your nail then put a hard acrylic on top of your nails to bind the natural and fake nail together to creat a nice base.They have so so many different nail tip sizes for nearly every different shape and size of nails. No not always do you have to clip the enda of the nail ao they fit. they normally just clip them down because of the length and whrn they do cut them they can file them down to any shape you want. You can wash your hand I don't see how thats a problem its just soap and water. Yes you can't use anything with but its not like you are soaking your nails in there when you use it. Also thata why you were cleaning gloves while doing housework.

Nov 16, 2014

Shawna L.

With acetone*