How to make my nails grow faster.


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Nov 15, 2014

Angie Y.

So these are my nails and they are not growing at all.. I used a lot of stuff and nothing happened! Please help.

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

You just have to have patience honey.

Nov 15, 2014

Aarie G.

A good way is to take a hair growth supplement. It helps hair grow as well as nails. A good brand is Hairfinity

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

Nothing can make your hair or nails grow except time. Do not take any pills without consulting your doctor beforehand. Too much of one thing can be bad for your body. Such as a Biotin pill would be adding biotin to the biotin that you already consume in your food daily could cause negative affects.

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

To me, it looks like you bite your nails or pick at them, overtime your nails well grow but you have to prevent yourself from messing with them. I bit my nails all the time and recently let them grow out, fighting the habit of biting them and I couldn't be happier with the results. You just have to leave them alone and do their thing, then eventually you can file into the shape you want.

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

Will grow*

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

And let* them do their thing. Apologies for the spell mistakes :)

Nov 15, 2014

Kitty J.

Take biotin supplements. It'll also help your hair, and it's 100% natural.

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

Biotin pills will not make anything grow faster. Biotin will only add biotin to your body and make your nails and hair STRONGER, while simulating hair growth, which in no way at all means that it WILL make your hair grow longer.

Nov 15, 2014

Ella M.

It takes about 6 months for nails to grow long. just be patient!

Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

Everyone's nails grow at a different rate, that's probably why yours are growing so slow. Mine grow long within a month and a half to two months.

Nov 16, 2014

Angie Y.

Thank you very much guys

Nov 16, 2014

Jax V.

Here are some tips :
• try not to chip nails
• do not take pills
• don't cut your nails every day, week, and sometimes month.