Nail Problem 💅


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Nov 15, 2014

Shanae J.

No, you just have to have patience.

Nov 15, 2014

Shaye M.

Not a home remedy but you can purchase a nail growth polish :) I used a Sally Hansen one.

Nov 15, 2014

Gabby M.

I'd say just get an oil for your nails that strengthens them, or just anything of that sort so they grow out strong and don't chip when they get long :)

Garlic nailpolish!! You could get any beauty supply store

Nov 15, 2014

Emma R.

Put cream on your nails to moisturize them. It helped them grow for me  :)

Nov 15, 2014

Stephanie J.

Take Biotin! It's a vitamin that helps with hair and nail growth. I take it and it really works.

Nov 15, 2014

Jax V.

Garlic nail polish does work

Nov 15, 2014

Jax V.

Although it doesn't smell very pleasant

Nov 15, 2014

Jax V.

Oh ya biotin works too I do it when I need my nails to grow.

Nov 15, 2014

Alyx T.

Do NOT take biotin without talking to your doctor. Taking biotin or any pills without taking a blood test to see if your deficient is incredibly dangerous. If you're on even a semi healthy diet you're most likely getting enough biotin from your food. As someone who has overdosed on biotin when I was younger, please do not just go out and take pills. Just because they're sold in stores does not mean you should take them without consulting a doctor. Taking any vitamins, especially biotin can lead to very bad side effects that defeat the point of taking them for nice skin/nails/hair like hair loss, hair dryness, nail weakness, skin issues like permanent breakouts, dehydration etc, not to mention the lethal ones like kidney failure, liver failure, heart palpitations and more. you should NOT take biotin or any other pills just because someone on the Internet said it's okay.

Nov 16, 2014

Lexi C.

Moisturize but don't pay too much attention to them and it will seem like they're growing fast! Try Burt's Bees Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream!

Nov 16, 2014

Swati K.

Haha I agree wid lexi
Abt nt paying attention to thm. It works for me. ðŸ˜ƒ

Nov 17, 2014

Jax V.

Yes that's right alyx you always need to consult your doctor! Because if anything you may not even have much nails to grow of because it may ruin them!!