Really Greasy Hair. Washed Everyday Help!


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Dec 27, 2012

Martina B.

I have to wash my hair everyday because it gets so greasy! It's only greasy toward the too and the ends are very dead and dry. How can I reduce the oiliness at the top?

Dec 27, 2012

Ashley S.

First, washing your hair every day is most likely killing your hair, since it'll dry it out and such.
Second, if you condition, try conditioning every other day, because it can cause excess grease.
Three, I would also try dry shampoo if youre still having oil problems after cutting back on the conditioning.
Four, for the ends of your hair, get a special deep cleansing conditioner, and ONLY use it on the ends of your hair where it is dry and dead.
Hope this helps a little bit :)

Dec 27, 2012

Catherine C.

I had the same problem a few years ago, but take a weekend or whenever you have a few days at home to not wash your hair everyday. The reason for your hair being dry at the end is because washing it everyday strips the natural oil from your hair! After a week or two of washing it every other day, your hair will start adjusting and become less oily. You just have to give it time and until then, try baby powder on your roots the days you don't wash your hair. It should soak up some of that oil!!

Dec 27, 2012

Carlita F.

Im a hairdresser and i have thin hair and my scalp gets oily and i have to wash my hair everyday but i put a leave in treatment on the end before i blowdry so my hairs real healthy no split ends yu cud use a dry shampoo but honestly it take out the shiny greasy look but it feels gross it makes your hair feel dirtier i only use that in extreme cases if im running late dont have time to wash my hair but on days im home i leave my hair as is max 2 days cuz after it drives me insane

Dec 27, 2012

Brooke E.

Try to wash it every other day for a start. To absorb oil use baby powder to soak it up.

Dec 27, 2012

Alyse M.

when you wash daily, your hair overproduces oil. you are doing more harm than good. you need to stop washing it every day and train your hair to produce less oil. i hope you are only putting conditioner on the ends of your hair, not the roots. and sounds like it's time for new hair products...

Dec 27, 2012

Allie S.

Please avoid washing it everyday when your washing it everyday your stripping your oil and your hair needs it so its producing even faster ive researched this before. I personally wash every 2 days. You need to get your hair used to not washing it everyday so the oil can produce slower when you first begin to the routine you will want to quit but do not i recommend you using a dry shampoo.if you are doing this your hair will start gradually adapting you can look into this if your considering it i personally will recommend you. Use a clarifying shampoo this is a very special shampoo that is harsh to your hair if you use it frequently this shampoo removes oil buildup and product buildup after using this you will notice your hair feeling squeeky clean and bouncier less dull and more shiny. This should be a part in everyones hair routine. Consider using a light conditioner rather than a mask with all these oils and use it on your ends this is important avoid shampoos and heavy hair products with ultra moisturising silicones. Dont play with your hair to much this will simulate your hair and making oil distribute further down. Take caution when using serums this is important avoid using any oily products on the roots. And when shampooing massage with pressure with your finger tips carefully and correctly. I find when i eat heavy oily resturaunt food rarely but it happends my t zone on my face gets oily and if my face is getting oily im certain my hair is. Also avoid brushing your hair at the tip of your roots your distrubuting oil. Spritz some hajr spray on your hand and apply to roots whenever things get annoying after styling do not use to much. So 1. No washing everday 2.clarify heavy hair products 4. Dry shampoo 5. And caution. My advice is based on personal expierence. And i hope i helped. I think my brain exploded lol.

Dec 27, 2012

Ashton J.

Are you making sure you wash out all of your shampoo out?