Need help on nails? Nail pro to the rescue!


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Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

Hey, so I am pretty much experienced with nail art because my aunt is a big professional at it and she always teaches me new things! So if anyone out there needs help on a specific type of nail art but doesn't know how to do it just tell me your:
• division (novice,learner,master)
• favorite colors (may be a specific color or what shade you like of a standard color like a light or dark color of for example pink)
•if you like French tip or you want it to be on your whole nail
•if you would like studs or gems or any other 3 - Dimensional art
I will then later on write your name and then what you should try. This is for a limited time only so tell me now!!

Nov 29, 2014

Alice L.

I been wanting to know how to make this design but it ended up looking ugly, and for the colors just leave the colors the way it is, I'm a Learner

Nov 29, 2014

Alice L.

The whole nail and no dimensional art

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

For: Alice L.
Try painting your nails the same color for your base.I would recommend using a skinny brush but don't use a flexible brush which is the brush usually when you first get it. Use the same brush but take either water hot or cold or some clear nail polish dip your brush in it and try to get the brush to have a point on the tip. Then let it dry. It should harden if not I do not know what to say. When it hardens you usually have more control of he brush. When your nails are dry try to do the designs. To make the designs similar to the one in the picture lift your brush when you are at the end of the lines/designs to make it thinner as you go. Then using the same brush trying not to make the brush flexible again first clean it then make the dots. If you want bigger dots press down harder. Want smaller dots? Put less pressure on the dots. Add top coat and it should look better than your previous attempt!
I also use this technic to do similar nail art

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

Thank you for asking me and I hope this helped for you Alice

Nov 29, 2014

appi A.

No gems; I like french tip , any color ,

Nov 29, 2014

Alice L.

Thank you jax, it helped a lot and it surprisingly it good

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

Before I tell you how to do a nail design is this for any particular day as in Christmas lets say.

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

Oh and your welcome alive that is my job.

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

Oops meant alice

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

Okay let's just get started
For: appi A.
So this is a little simple and classic. Use some skinny tape or anything you can use to do a French tip.(band-aids,those circle tape things lol,or just doing a French rip free handed works) Now I was thinking of doing this. Take plastic wrap and pour nail polish on it. Swirl with a toothpick and let dry. When it is dry peel off plastic wrap. Apply base coat on your nails. Beforehand cut a moonlike shape or a French tip like shape out of he dry nail polish. Put the moonlike shape on the tip of your nail so that it looks like a French tip. Let that dry and then with a filer file of the excess dry nail polish this is a swirl French tip. This is pretty easy since you don't have to paint your nails and then perfect it and do all of that stuff.

Nov 29, 2014

Jax V.

I think that this would be a decent French tip for you!!

Nov 30, 2014

appi A.

Wow... thank you..
jax.. I will do this... and your idea is awesome...

Nov 30, 2014

appi A.

And I am thinking to post it.

Dec 2, 2014

Jax V.

Your welcome appi A.!! You are also free to post it!