Hair Is Falling Out In Handfuls.


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Sep 3, 2014

Selia H.

Omg ladies thank you for the input I'm totally taking everything into consideration. &thank you erin that is real helpful ill be lookin for my scarf tonight.. & hooefully my damn hubby won't tease me about wearing it if he does ill send him your way ladies so you guys can rough him up alil..jk

Sep 3, 2014

Kelly H.

Selia, have you recently had a baby or could you be pregnant?

Sep 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Honestly if your clinic can't see you for a month I'd go go a quick care place I don't know what you have around you but I have an urgent care and patient first they take anyone like a mini ER but for minor things
but if you don't have that call your hospital NOT 911 but your hospitals hotline or number you may need to look it up they may tell you to go to the ER like the ladies above said you could have an underlying serious illness you do not want to wait because you never know what it is and how long its been there or what ever please don't wait its not silly at all nothing about health is silly

Sep 3, 2014

Ann B.

Dunt b alarmed or scared by the er comments above lol. But it can b due to genetics as well or shampoo or any stuff your putting in your hair. Stop putting any products in your hair Try putting on hair masks or oil treatments. And or change your shampoo it can b it as well. Another reason it can b is the water. Where I live there's clorine in the water so a lot of ppl lose hair. Try tht if not you can try a dr :)