Ear Problems Help (Stretch)


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Aug 31, 2014

Aialeen a.

So as some of you know I stretched my ears too a 6g, there wasn't any problem with using the taper but when it came to the tunnels my ears was swollen because I didn't get the tunnel in three times so I needed to use the taper again so I could get the tunnel through but in the end I just pushed it through and it dit bleed a tiny bit, but today it's sore and it bleeds when I take the tunnel out and there was something white in the hole, I also dit turn it a lot, so what can I do should I stop turning them and taking them out when I clean them or?

Aug 31, 2014

duffs g.

I feel like you messed it up when you forced the 6g through n it bled. I'd go to wear you got the piercing n ask them. personally, I'd go back down n let it heel properly.

Aug 31, 2014

duffs g.

Where not wear lol.

Aug 31, 2014

Sonya P.

Did you use a lubricant when you stretched your ears up? I would say leave them in for at least a few days, so try not to touch them. Also a bit of jojoba oil massaged around the lobes will promote some healthy blood flow. If the problem persists you may have caused a minor blowout. Is it both ears or just one? But, honestly it sounds like you're just stretching a bit to fast. Hope I could help! :)

Aug 31, 2014

Aialeen a.

Sonya yes I did use lubricant, my ears was ready cuz the tapers did get in more or less smoothly there was a little resistance and it did sting, and when I did stretch it, it didn't bleed only when I wanted to put the tunnel in my earlobes are big and because I had some problems pushing the tunnel in I needed to push my taper in again so my ears got swollen so it was hard to get the tunnel through.

Aug 31, 2014

Sonya P.

Oh, okay! Because your tunnels are double flared? I think you should be okay, the swelling should subside.

Aug 31, 2014

Aialeen a.

No not double flared.