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Dec 22, 2012

Mike R.

Would mascara and eyeliner (sometimes eyeshadow) be okay for a 13year old (and should I start using concealer )

Dec 22, 2012

Tiffany D.

Yes those items would be appropriate as long as you don't over do it and only use concealer if you have anything that really needs to be concealed like acne or bad dark circles 

Dec 22, 2012

Victoria L.

Im 13 and that's all I really wear soooo that's goooood! Lol srry hyper cuz it's late hehehehe 

Dec 22, 2012

Tiffany D.

My 12yr old soon to be stepdaughter wears a ton of eye makeup and I'm trying to teach her that less is more or at least looks better!

Dec 22, 2012

Aleste A.

I started wearing makeup at 13 & I wish I didn't start so young cause now I'm 17 & look older. Keep it simple(:

Dec 22, 2012

Mike R.

Thanks girls

Dec 22, 2012

Diana S.

Keep it simple your still very young you will get your turn when your older... Anyways boys always like less make up on girls even as you get older