Thinner Legs


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Dec 22, 2012

Rachel Y.

How do I get thinner legs

Dec 22, 2012

Rachel Y.

I am 13 

Dec 22, 2012

Rachel Y.

K I will stop worrying 

Dec 22, 2012

Stephanie M.

Sarah is right, you're beautiful the way you are. Just maintain healthy eating and regular exercise. :)

Dec 22, 2012

Hannah W.

your body will change so much in the next ten years, do not obsess or worry, eat good foods and stay fit and active and happy, be confident that people judge you on the person that you are not what size and shape your legs are. don't let it stop u from living your life the way you want.. :) xx

Dec 22, 2012

Sheena B.

Your at that age where your just developing into a young woman so I would not focus on anyone part of your body. As long as you eat healthy and do some form of exercise you will look and feel great. Your a beautiful young girl so keep that confidence up. 

Dec 23, 2012

Elizabeth M.

I agree with the previous posts. You're still a girl and your body will change a lot between now and adulthood. However, how about you take some ballet classes? Ballet sculpts lovely, strong, slim legs naturally. I studied ballet as a girl and at 50, I still enjoy having good legs.

Dec 23, 2012

Madi O.

You do not need to worry! So just eat healthy (it's a lifestyle and will help you in the long run) and exercise!

Dec 23, 2012

Hayley P.

At 13 you are just starting to develop curves and a woman's body. Don't worry, as long as you're eating healthy and getting enough exercise you'll be fine. 

Dec 23, 2012

Kaitlyn B.
