Castor Oil Or Vaseline ?


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Dec 27, 2012

Brittany M.

Girls there's so many different opinions I dunno which one still :(

Dec 27, 2012

Ilana E.

Brittany I would go with castor oil only because I've never heard of putting Vaseline on your eyelashes. And I have seen results with castor oil and castor oil is safe enough to eat/drink so I'm pretty sure it won't harm your skin or hair. That's just my opinion. Use whichever one you feel most comfortable with the info you have read and advice you have gotten. 

Dec 28, 2012

Brittany M.

I'm thinking more castor oil than anything else. @llana thanks girl

Dec 28, 2012

Bridget V.

Wow I had no clue Vaseline was bad. I out it on my lips every night. Yikes!!

Dec 28, 2012

Alyse M.

bridget i really recommend alba un-petroleum! you can go to their website, i'm going to link it below, and you put in your zip code and the product you're looking for and they'll tell you what stores by you sell it. i got mine at giant but not all giants carry it. besides that, the burts bees lip treatment has a texture similar to vaseline, maybe not as thick, and that's made with castor oil and other such ingredients.

Jul 27, 2015

Michele P.

Alyse M. thank you for your scientific contribution, a lot of people are really very unfamiliar with the subject, the way to criticize a research design and its results, etc. Nobody on here got rude that I saw but I have noticed that people tend to do that - it's an inconvenient truth they just don't want to hear combined with treating anecdotal testimonials with as if they were meaningful. It can just be harmful in a philosophical way but also it can just be harmful as is the case with vaseline or tylenol. I appreciate your references as well. I bought the stuff after having extensions for a couple of months removed to reveal really short lashes!! I don't have a problem conditioning my lashes and brows but I won't be expecting more than that. Still looking forward to any new things under the sun.

I prefer castor oil, I'm using it every night before I go to sleep and it's very effective! 😊