Castor Oil Or Vaseline ?


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Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

I've heard both work very well to strengthen/grow/darken eyelashes but which one works best before I go buy one?! :)

Dec 24, 2012

Sasha T.

I've Used Vaseline And It Works Amazing!  

Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

@sasha how do you apply it ?

Dec 24, 2012

Ilana E.

I use castor oil. I get the weirdest look every time I buy it lol. But I cleaned out an old mascara type and apply it with the wand just like mascara. 

Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

What is castor oil anyways ? Like what's it supposed to be used for ? @llana

Dec 24, 2012

Ilana E.

I just found this and I'm going to try it this way and see if it works even better.

Dec 24, 2012

Ilana E.

It's a laxative lol 

Dec 24, 2012

Sasha T.

Brittany: I Just Wash My Hands Really Good Especially My Finger Nails Before Bed. I Apply The Vaseline To My Fingers And Then I Apply The Vaseline To My Eyelashes More Than Once. And I Do This For 5 Mins Every Single Night  

Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

Ooh I'll try it too hahaha and I did not know that. @llana

Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

@sasha do you leave it on all night ?

Dec 24, 2012

Ilana E.

Lol yea so they look at you like you have issues and sometimes it's awkward. 

Dec 24, 2012

Sasha T.

Brittany: Yeah I Do This Before Bed And Then I Wake Up And Wash It Off. You Can Also Use Vaseline Like A Primer Before You Put On Your Mascara. it'll Help Them Grow While You Have Mascara On

Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

Hahaha can you only imagine buying castor oil and Vaseline at the same time.. Theyd be like wtf.. @llana and thanks @sasha 

Dec 24, 2012

Sasha T.

Your Welcome Girl! 

Dec 24, 2012

Alyse M.

Please don't use Vaseline. It seems so many people don't know that petroleum/mineral oil is so bad for you and your skin! I've spoken about this before here, and people seem to attack. Do some research if you don't know what I'm talking about!

Dec 24, 2012

Ari W.

How To Use Castor Oil
Does Castor Oil Make Your Hair Grow Faster?

Generally speaking, there isn't much scientific evidence to say whether or not castor oil will help your hair grow faster, and some beauty professionals maintain that it has more of a placebo effect than anything. An oil rubbed on the scalp or into the hair has little significance in the areas of the body where hair growth is generated, which is largely internally. Being a purely external application, castor oil has limited effects on hair. However, it is a staple in some parts of the world, particularly in parts of Asia and India, in cultures known for long, thick hair. This can partially be attributed to the genetics of those particular peoples, but many there believe that castor oil helps with the general state of their hair.

Castor oil does indeed have many beneficial applications, including the removal or lightening of scars and blemishes, and also acts as an anti-fungal agent. This may help to explain why it is known to help with the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, or with patchy beards among men. Often a minor fungal problem can prevent the growth of hair in these areas, and as castor oil helps to eliminate the fungus, so the hair there can grow more freely.

Castor oil also works quite effectively as a lubricant for the hair. Natural lubricants that our body produces have a difficult time reaching any length of hair below the shoulders, generally speaking. The oil helps to maintain a healthy amount of lubrication and assists in keeping hair from getting tangled. All of these factors may have helped contribute to the notion that castor oil can help promote hair growth, when in fact there is little real evidence to suggest that it does so. Often a person experiences improvement of their hair's general state as a result of using castor oil, and mistakenly applies that same idea to the rate of hair growth, when in fact it may simply be the general improvement of other areas that leads them to believe this. This is in effect, a placebo. You believe something will work because you have been told that it will do so. Our minds have a great effect on our bodies. One example of this is that stress or anxiety can actually lead to a loss of hair, a slower rate of growth or to unhealthy hair in the form of limp or greasy locks.

Dec 24, 2012

Ilana E.

Haha oh they would probably think something totally different but I'm gonna keep it pg lol. 

Dec 24, 2012

Brittany M.

@alyse so I shouldn't use Vaseline? :s but I've heard so many good things about It haha @ari so castor oil is okay to use ? @llana no doubt hahaha 

Dec 24, 2012

Alyse M.

Brittany Vaseline basically sits on the skin. It does not actually add moisture. Not to mention.. Petroleum.. What do you think gasoline is? Hang on, I'm going to give you a link to look at!

Dec 24, 2012

Alyse M.

basically, mineral oil/petroleum clogs the skin and keeps skin from breathing. does that sound good? NO!!! there are other potential health risks that aren't really proven one way or another, but it's worth considering. especially when you're putting something like this by your eyes.

when i switched from using products with mineral oil in them, i notice a huge diff in my skin! for example - i used to use drugstore body lotion, nivea specifically. i thought my skin was soooo soft. now, though, i use only body lotions that are made for tanners, and those do NOT include mineral oil because mineral oil is not only bad for your skin, it strips DHA, the stuff that makes you tan in self tanner. i've been using only those for over a year now. if i use my nivea on a random day, i notice that within an hour, my skin feels dry and not good. in the past, i thought i was sooo incredibly soft from it. it's amazing the difference you can see.

from dr oz's website:
Don't Gloss Over It
What could be more harmless than a little shine on your rosy lips? Well, as it turns out, lots of things, because the shine in lip gloss comes from petroleum jelly. Petroleum jelly is a byproduct of oil drilling, and when you spread it on your lips, you end up eating it, which is essentially the same as drinking gasoline. Add up the amount of lip gloss the average woman uses (and consumes) over a decade, and it equals 7 pounds. The European Union has banned many petroleum jelly products, and experts are concerned they could be linked to cancer. Women with breast cancer have twice the levels of hydrocarbons (substances found in petroleum jelly) in their breasts than women who haven't had breast cancer.

What to Use Instead
Steer clear of any products that list petroleum jelly or mineral oil on the ingredient list. Choose glosses that look more like lipstick and avoid any that advertise lip "plumping" capabilities, they contain products that irritate your lips to make them swell and look larger. Instead, select products with sunscreen to protect your lips from the carcinogenic effects of the sun (look for zinc oxide on the ingredient list), and glosses made from beeswax, which is completely non-toxic. If you are deeply attached to a petroleum-based gloss, save it for special occasions and use a sunscreen under it to protect your lips.

now, that said, i still use lip glosses that i may not have read the ingredients. but i do try to steer clear of mineral oil as much as possible.

Dec 24, 2012

Alyse M.

a much better alternative would be alba un-petroleum jelly, which is made from castor oil, coconut oil, and other natural stuff;) you can find it at whole foods, or some grocery stores - the alba website will actually help you find the product you're looking for by you! i got mine at giant, but every giant doesn't carry it.

Dec 24, 2012

Ari W.

lol no its basically pointless to use and it creates a placebo effect in your brain 

Dec 25, 2012

Brittany M.

@alyse @ari so don't use either...? Haha :(

Dec 25, 2012

Ana R.

Ive tried both..honestly castor oil gave me the quickest results..even grew back my eyebrow tails..apply with a q tip...not too much though just enough so your lashes have a sheen

Dec 25, 2012

Alisa D.

the two items in question have completely different effects on skin.... research each element on what its meant for then devour if that I'd what you want to put on your skin :)