When can I re-dye my hair?


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Oct 14, 2014

Aide N.

Hi ladies, I dyed my hair today at home (box dye) and it didnt turn out the color I wanted, when how long should I wait before I dye it again. here's a picture, it looks orange, I wanted it red. feel free to suggest a dye that will give me a true red. thanks in advance.

Oct 14, 2014

Karen C.

"One N's Only Argan Oil Hair Dye" kind of a mouth full but literally it does wonders! I love it so much it makes my hair feel so healthy

Oct 14, 2014

Aide N.

Thanks Karen, where do y get that at, I don't believe I have seen it before.

Oct 14, 2014

Phylicia V.

You can get it at sallys

Oct 14, 2014

Aide N.

Still lokimg for answerw2 on how soon can I dye my hair again?

Oct 15, 2014

Phylicia V.

I would wait two weeks. but That's just my personal preference. if you feel your hair is healthy enough and not dry then you can do so within a few days. make sure you use a moisturizing hair mask afterwards.