Need Your Insight on MOTD's...


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Oct 15, 2014

Lisa O.

Even though I get what you mean, I wouldn't jump too quickly to the conclusion of 'someone's fishing for compliments'. Exposing yourself to a community filled with beautiful skilled women can be scary, and compliments can be a great confident booster.

Oct 15, 2014

Maggie F.

I don't post MOTD pics myself, but I do like looking at MOTD posts just because I get some great ideas for products that I would have never known about otherwise. I like seeing how the products look on people and oftentimes I will run out and buy the lipstick, blush or whatever myself. So if they went away I would kind of miss it for that reason. It does get excessive though when people do it constantly and look for comment on makeup that is barely noticeable.

I will post a MOTD if I need advice or constructive critiscm bc I am new to makeup and not very good at it yet. but I will also list what I'm wearing and ask for opinions?

Oct 15, 2014

Saby T.

True.I agree completely! I,myslf posted a 'selfie'motd thread once because I just wanted to share the makaup I got done and I apologise and this won't happen again.Now when I log in to beautylish that's all I see,its ok when you want help or opinion on your motd because that's what we're here for..but I agree its not right to make motd threads without a reason or just to get compliments.Its getting very annoying.We used to have all kind of makeup discussions before and now its all motd threads with just 'omg so pretty'comments.And whereas I can upload the pic on my profile instead.

Oct 15, 2014

Lauren B.

I love Kat's suggestion about the moderators creating an interesting thread!

Oct 15, 2014

Bea S.

Personally, (I do not mean this in an offensive way at all) I think Beautylish needs it's own makeover, with more input from it's users. As I read this topic, I can see lots of suggestions being made for Beautylish. If these suggestions were used, it would probably help the selfie situation. Also, I think we need new rules. When new members join the community, they post selfies and don't realise that they need to list the products they used. When they are told, it might be a little embarrassing for them (maybe not). It seems that there are a few "unwritten rules" arising that are difficult for new members to pick up on. Overall, I just think Beautylish is in need of a makeover.

Oct 15, 2014

Mari F.

I don't post MOTD but maybe there should be a section for it. Would be a great filter for feed regardless of the reason.

Oct 15, 2014

Ella B.

I agree a lot with Bea. I'm fairly new myself and there's quite a few questions I've had about rules and guidelines but I feel like I have nowhere I can ask. On other forums I've been on each subforum/category has a sticky with clear rules on what's appropriate to post on that forum, as well as a couple more stickied "essential" threads so people don't clog the forum with too many of the same threads. I think this is a really cool community and that it could really benefit from just a little more organization.

Oct 15, 2014

Alli P.

So glad this issue is being brought out from under the dark. Unfortunately, you'll probably never hear the side of most of the culprits.

And can I just say Jacqueline, I LOVE that you referenced the Wizard of Oz, huge fan. c':

Oct 15, 2014

M G.

I believe for the most part thyr fish for compliments.

Oct 15, 2014

M G.

Off topic but I cannot find thanks thread. I only found it bc Hannah postd it on another thread.

Oct 15, 2014

Tonita C.

Agree with M.G.