Need Your Insight on MOTD's...


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Oct 14, 2014

Rissa G.

Thank you for bringing this to the community's attention, I've wanted to do so but my word is not important. I don't understand the point, it's quite annoying..especially when it occurs multiple times from the same users.

Oct 15, 2014

duffs g.

I hear you! n if I may be honest, I feel someone posting a pic with no content is just fishing for compliments.

Oct 15, 2014

Ziar K.

Glad to see this issue being acknowledged.

Oct 15, 2014

Tia S.

THANK YOU Jacqueline for bringing this up, this site is not for selfies(use instagram!). It is to learn about things you have questions about. I mostly use the Nail section of talk and the same thing happens there. It's really annoying because someone like me, an aspiring nail artist who wants to share and learn techniques, colors, tools... It just doesn't happen on here anymore and it sucks. It happens in every section too, BL is not what it was anymore. We have also lost a ton of wonderful girls with great knowledge because of this, and because of the bullying on here. The only reason I keep my account anymore it because I love the Editorial section. When I do post a thread about nail art with a question all I get is.. "oh those are gorgeous" and don't get me wrong I appreciate the compliments and such but that is not what this site is for! It used to be about sharing passion for all things related to beauty and now it feels like a contest of some sorts.

Oct 15, 2014

Ivette H.

There are so many times when I just want to say "this is not Facebook" thank you for bringing this up Jacqueline.

Oct 15, 2014

Cailyn P.

I agree! but please add some more categories:) (fitness, ect)

Oct 15, 2014

Ashli R.

Would looooooove to see a fitness category :)

Oct 15, 2014

Ella B.

I think it would be nice to have a MOTD sticky for everyone to post their pics in so people can scratch their selfie itch without clogging the forum. I posted one of these threads last week but tbh it was because I thought that was the normal thing to do here plus I was just proud of my look that day :')

Oct 15, 2014

Alma M.

You've hit the nail on the head my friend good question.Many discussions on this subject has had us thinking what happened to beauty dialogue.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

These are all great points, and thank you for finally asking this, Jackie!

Personally, I think that MOTD threads are only worth it if you've tried something new (either in style or product) and want to talk about it. I know that I really haven't been posting much of late, but I have a tendency to post my MOTDs with new products (and then give a review) or something that I'm not entirely sure of, and would like feedback on. There are types of MOTDs, but the ones that ask questions and provide information can be valuable!

Oct 15, 2014

Shelley W.

I'm with Hannah...that's the only way I post a MOTD. I have to attach a review of new goodie along with the finished outcome. I've noticed the massive increase of MOTD's and while I enjoy seeing a beauty advance in skill I do miss the dialogue...hence the reason I started a series about being 40 and aging. My posts sometimes read like long it has definitely beneficial due to the feedback/interaction it receives. The MOTD's that drive me bonkers is when products aren't being listed and then people start asking and the poster never responds.

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh but Shelley I love your posts! They're most certainly not too long, I think they're perfect! It really makes me happy how thoroughly you answer any and all possible questions, and I think it's great that you volunteer information without even being asked to do so.

Oct 15, 2014

Shelley W.

Thank you Hannah. :)

Oct 15, 2014

Alma M.

Informative Motd are great the meaning of a look or product brings a huge conversation of interest, it's the ones with no info and just (face displays) are the one's I think Jackie is trying to understand since they just sit and get lost in the selfie mist.I think we need to talk more on threads versus cute, pretty, unique.I remember when people had conversations with respect and learned from each other.

Oct 15, 2014

Sarah N.

I agree with all you ladies. I don't see anything wrong with MOTDs with real content! a lot of girls do it correctly and I want to acknowledge that and it's appreciated I love seeing new products used on someone which may help me decide if I want it or not or see other ways to use a product or color. But there really are way too many selfies and like mentioned its the same people so they know better and thats frustrating. I started school for esthetics after joining here and taking makeup classes and it really taught me so much and I had never seen a place where the girls were so knowledgeable and helpful but it is frustrating I see myself going on it less because all I scroll thru is selfies and yes I do feel it's just for compliments which is more annoying! Happy someone said something.

Oct 15, 2014

T K.

I am so happy I am not alone! I do appreciate seeing Motd's when a new product and review is involved, because I can hear what you ladies think of a product and see the results at the same time. One thing I was guilty of was posting Motd's where it was basically the same thing each time. But a while ago I realized that there wasn't much to share with my looks, so I apologize for pushing down other threads :)
I agree with the other ladies on how it can be a bit annoying when products are not posted, and when reminded they just respond ok, and don't post products still. Beautylish can be so helpful, but when Motd's fill up the page it is hard to find threads with questions and receive answers.

Thank you so much for creating this post Jacqueline!

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh man, she broke out the Zoolander references, she means business =)

we'll just have to keep spreading the word, Jackie, you don't mind if I link this thread for reference on future selfie threads, do you?

Oct 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Thank you =)

Oct 15, 2014

Roz X.

I feel often insecurity breeds a need for peer approval. With so many social media outlets, it seems so strange to me to even consider this an avenue for photos with no content or context. I must admit, I often have difficulty relating to when members worry if what they like is "in style" or fret over what to wear on a regular, ole' day...such angst and pressure; wasted stresses.
I think too many young ladies and women have grown to define themselves on the opinions of others. That's a hard way to live. I hope this thread not only recalls members' attention to bring content to threads, but that it serves to remind everyone that it's healthy to make some decisions on their own...and to risk breaking from what's "in" so they can focus on what they delight in instead. :)

P.S. I also think sometimes a member is just self-centered and ego is at play. Yep...I said it!

Oct 15, 2014

Roz X.

So far no one that does post selfie threads has responded in any fashion. I'd seriously enjoy hearing their reasons and addressing the questions Jacqueline posted.

Oct 15, 2014

Kat A.

There are so many motds it's crazy lol. I agree, I think there should be a sticky for everyone to post their motd & clear it out every 24 hours so that it'll be fresh for the new day :) I used to come on here & learn something new everyday. NowI just post pictures of ghair/outfits/clothes & answer the same questions mainly. A suggestion would be for the mods to post a thread daily that would spark up some sort of beauty related discussion & make us think a bit :)

Oct 15, 2014

Kat A.

*Now I

Oct 15, 2014

J L.

I think MOTD with no content just want compliments. It's annoying because they will have the most gorgeous eyeshadow and not list what they used. It's like are you going to wait till 10 people ask you to list products for you to list them? Ughh. I agree with Hannah. Half the time I see MOTD s from the same people doing the same look. I enjoy seeing MOTD with new products used or just as long as they have content. That way I can ask them how the product they use works, if they like it or how they achieved the look.

Oct 15, 2014

Gisell G.

So the reason I am adding a comment here is because Hannah W. asked me. well first off I want to start off with the fact that I posted a picture today of some eyeshadows I got in a pallete for my birthday. I have never used it & I tried a different technique so I wanted to see what some girls thought. I didnt post it to get "omg its pretty" but for feedback, I like when people tell me what I did good & where I can be better(which is what Hannah did, thank you ). I can't speak for everyone because I know there are people who just want to get showered in compliments, but I don't need that. I'm not conceided but I know I'm beautiful, I don't need anybody else to tell me so. I personally don't have a fb or instagram I got sick of it, I don't need people to post selfies to feel pretty or to be told through every picture how pretty I look & what not.
but to what Jacqueline said, in my case, I did post a pic on my profile of some nails I did, & nobody bothered to give me feedback of what I did right & what I can fix.. but when I posted it in the "talk" at least one girl commented, I feel that more people are in the "talk" & that is why I posted my picture there. I don't need compliments, I just want opinions & feedback.
thanks for reading, stay beautiful<333

Oct 15, 2014


I have just joined so thank you for the tips!