Where to purchase Lorac Mega palette in Europe?!


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Oct 10, 2014

Zina K.

As the title says I am dying to find out where I can get the Lorac mega pro palette in Europe (Netherlands). I desperately hope that someone knows, cause so far I havent found anything. thanks in advance!??

Oct 10, 2014

Sabrina K.

I wasn't able to find any way to get it to Europe :( I bought mine online and got it send to a friend in NYC. So if you know someone in USA you could try that! But hurry cos I heard it's almost sold out!

Oct 10, 2014

Vanessa V.

Have you tried http://www.shipito.com.

It's like a third party shipping service. Shannxo (beauty guru on YouTube) uses it to send her stuff to New Zealand.