Greasy hair problems:(


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Sep 24, 2014

Leah E.

My hair has been getting so gready lately! I used to wash it every other day and it would feel clean but now I have to do it everyday and its disgusting! Any help?:(

Sep 24, 2014

Emma Y.

Do you rub/run your fingers through your hair a lot? If so the oils on your fingers rub off In your hair and will make it greasy

Sep 25, 2014

Melanie S.

Try to use less shampoo. You don't really need as much as you think you do.

Sep 25, 2014

Christina C.

I am a person who have extremely greased hair, within 3 hours of my shower I will get a case of the grease. I have found that not conditioning my scalp helps a ton, I have pin straight hair so it might not work for someone with curly hair or dry hair.

Sep 25, 2014

Christina C.

^ I only condition my scalp when I use my weekly mask.

Sep 25, 2014

Sabrina M.

Rinse your hair with mouth wash it throws off the ph balance and controls the oil amounts.

Sep 25, 2014

Mel S.

I'm a hairdresser and dry shampoo is really good to use in between washes. You spray it in your roots and rub it in and it takes away any oils.

Sep 25, 2014

Leah E.

Thankyou all! I use vo5 cherish my colour jacqlyn and I hate dry shampoo so much:( but thankyous!

Sep 25, 2014

Rebecca C.

I'm used to be really bad with greasy hair. I used to use a ussie shampoo all the time. I've found using different shampoo's and conditioner helps. I have been using Schwarzkopf BC Fibre Force. A brunett one from asda and aussie. I mixed them around each time I use them. I also use to hate dry shampoo but I tryed the tropical batiste dry shampoo and I spray it on leave it for 5 and give it a good brush out. I don't use my hands, once you get use to it its so handy. good luck.