Does your lipstick have to depend on your hair color??


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Sep 5, 2014

Celyn D.

So I've recently been seeing really pretty dark shades of lipsticks that I love.for example a beautiful black. I'm dying to wear it but then I'm thinking since I have light brown hair and dark brown eyebrows.would that not look right?? Should it matter?? I'm so undecided on how it would look.

Sep 5, 2014

Shaye M.

It doesn't have to but I personally have the same problem hahah, always avoiding certain colours

Sep 5, 2014

Becky J.

I don't think so. Try them on and see if they suit you. Lipstick's quite fickle and depends on a lot of things so I think the only way to find out if it suits you is to try it on. I find I instantly know if a lipstick suits me when I try it on.

Sep 5, 2014

Sabrina K.

I think you can absolutely rock a dark color or a black :) I don't think it depends on hair color, but more how "daring" you are!

Sep 5, 2014

Kendall O.

I don't think it depends on hair color at all! My hair is half red half black and I wore blue lipstick today! Hahaha you can wear whatever you want!

Sep 5, 2014

Aurora S.

It's all about preference. When I was in the process of bleaching my hair I had orange hair for a bit and pink lipstick just... No. Pink lipstick is my go to shade but not when I had that color nor did I reach for purple. I stuck with nude shades or red which are shades I usually never went for

Sep 5, 2014

Celyn D.

Thank you ladies! I'm definitely just going to go for it and try it :)

Sep 6, 2014

Ellie K.

I think some lipsticks suit different hair colours more than others, but there's certainly no reason not to try things out and see how they look - if it suits you, go for it.