HELP me!! Hair


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Sep 8, 2014

Emma O.

My hair is a total disaster! My slept with braids to get curls, but now it looks like a dog!! It's really bad
It's fluffy and weird. It may not look bad in pictures, but it is
What can I do? 😖

Sep 8, 2014

Emma O.

It's fluffy and weird at the ends.

Sep 8, 2014

Lauren N.

Maybe just put it into a side braid or throw it up into a messy bun

Sep 8, 2014

Shawna L.

It looks a bit dry and damaged now. To get through the day I'd through it up in a bun or a cute braid but definitely put a moisturizing hair cream in and/or use a hair mask the next time you wash your hair.

Sep 8, 2014

Emma O.

It's not dry or damaged. Luckily. It just looks like that. I have tried with a sidebraid, but that looked bad. Also I can't have any updo if any kind because I need a helmet

Sep 8, 2014

Kat A.

Bun. like a low bun or low side bun.

Sep 8, 2014

Sandy D.

Put it up

Sep 9, 2014

Pink E.

Next time when you do it do several plaits in of one huge braid so I can actually get a good curl.