Spots around my mouth? ):


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Sep 19, 2014

Albina g.

I would go to the dermatologist to see what he has to say. sometimes the selution can be really simple ones you get a professional opinion

Sep 19, 2014

Albina g.

Solution* hate my phone...

Sep 19, 2014

Aseel S.

Yes I agree with Albina go to a dermatologist and I'm suer you will get the right answers 💕

Sep 19, 2014

Albina g.

Sometimes one bad doctor can set you off and it's so annoying! first time I went to a derm she was horrible... only much later I found out that she was the exception and my current dermatologist has been an absolut life saver. for now I think the best is to calm the skin. use a gental face wash, light moisturiser, maybe even an hydrating mask.
until you are sure what it is or until you've found something that helps I would reccomend being as gental as possible to not irritate the skin further.

Sep 19, 2014

Eve K.

I recently had the same problem and have cured it by oil cleansing and changing my diet (eating more fruit and veg) when I went to see a doctor they gave me contraception and a cream. However, I didn't like the idea of those remedies. But what worked for me 100% is oil cleansing, eating cleaner & excercise too. Hope that helps xx

Sep 20, 2014

Alexia C.

If you have sensitive skin, I would recommend trying natural products. if you don't then maybe you could try retinoids? they work amazingly to improve skin's overall texture.

Sep 25, 2014

Eve K.

Sorry for the late reply I never saw this! Hope you see mines. I first open my pores with warm water, then apply the oil to my skin as you would with any cleanser and massage in (feels so good) then I wipe off with damp cotton wool/pads to avoid oil going down the drain as that can clog the drains. I then tone with green tea and moisturise with 100% shea butter. Hope that helps xx

Sep 25, 2014

Eve K.

You may also want to look up face mapping on google and you might find a reason why your getting spots in that particular area