Tragus piercing help!


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Sep 14, 2014

Bea S.

Sorry if I put this in the wrong category, I really wasn't sure.
So, I'm thinking about getting my tragus pierced on both ears.
Has anyone had this done?
Do you like it? How much did it hurt?
How long will it take before I can change the earrings?
How much does it cost on average?
Thanks in advance!

Sep 14, 2014

Bry R.

OOOHH I'm planning on this piercing next. I can't imagine it hurting too had. The price is about $40

Sep 14, 2014

Bea S.

What piercings do you have already? And is that for one ear or both? Thank you :)

Sep 14, 2014

Tonita C.

I have both and I didn't find this entirely too painful. I can't remember the cost as I had it done years ago. I didn't change earrings for 8 weeks just to ensure proper healing.

Sep 14, 2014

Rachel S.

I have my tragus pierced on my right ear. It's probably just me but I personally prefer it on one ear instead of both. It didn't hurt me at all and the healing process was really good. In the three years I've had it I've never actually changed the earring in it haha, so I can't really comment on that one. It cost me around £20 I think, but I have 6 piercings in my ears in total and it's definitely my favourite 😊

Sep 14, 2014

Divanshi T.

I've got mine done and had it pierced twice! It depends on your pain tolerance but to me, the pain wasn't too bad! It takes a while to heal and I think I've had mine done for a couple of years now, second time around and I've only changed my piercing once! It's one of them awkward piercings because it gets caught in your hair etc.easily but I love mine. If you do get it, let it heal for a good few months before you think about changing it and in the uk, it costs about £35. So worth it though! It's probably my favourite piercing

Sep 15, 2014

Sachiko M.

Its really cool. get it done I've had mines for years and years now. it didnt hurt at the time. changing the earring did. hurt like a b*****! lol then I did my other side & man was that painful or what & no longer in. I think its coz the lady didnt do it right. I agree with rachael, 1 ear is enough. get it done. :)

Sep 15, 2014

Bea S.

Thank you all so much! I defo will!!