How to break habits?


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Sep 18, 2014

Shawna L.

So I have an insanely bad habit of running my fingers through my hair during the day. This causes my hair to be more oily for some reason. Why is that? is there anyway I can break this habit? I wear my hair down a lot and don't really like to wear it up. Also any good ways to make your hair less oily? Because I've tried to "train" my hair by skipping washes and that sooo did not work. Thanks everyone :)

Sep 18, 2014

Kenna S.

Wear your hair up! Also, every time you feel the urge to, pinch yourself or something haha. (:

Sep 18, 2014

Taylor G.

It's because of the oils on your fingers. You just have to stop, I don't really know any tricks lol. Have you tried dry shampoo?

Sep 18, 2014

Jazzlyn W.

I do this thing wear I wear a rubber band on my wrist {not a hair tie} and every time I try to do my bad habit, I pull the band so it hits my wrist. I'm not sure if it works for everyone but it does work for me.

Sep 18, 2014

Ari M.

Sit on your hands whenever you get the urge.

Sep 18, 2014

Ashli R.

I had to break the habit of touching my face. It was the hardest thing ever but my skin is so thankful for it now. I'm with Jazzlyn on this one I wore a rubber band first on my wrist then I got used to snapping it there so I moved it further up my arm where it was more tender (close to my armpit lol) so it had a better affect.

Sep 18, 2014

Shawna L.

@Alexis I tried to train my hair for almost a month then I just gave up. lol. maybe I was just to impatient. ill have to try it again.
@Taylor yeah I've tried dry shampoo but haven't found one I really love yet.

Sep 18, 2014

Shawna L.

Thanks everyone else for the help!

Sep 18, 2014

Diana T.

Do it too and I have oily hair (mainly my scalp) and I always run my fingers through my hair but I wash it 2-3 times a week n it really only gets oily the day that I'm going to wash it - and I just use a dry shampoo to absorb the oil but you can use baby powder too or setting powder they have the same effect but might leave a white powdery color behind if you have black hair like me.

Sep 18, 2014

Diana T.

And for dry shampoo the tressemme one work great for me.