What's if? Haul?


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Sep 15, 2014

Emm J.

If I make a haul on here of clothes/ products I've brought over the last month who would actually look at it?
I have all different styles? X

Sep 15, 2014

Violet P.

I would!

Sep 15, 2014

Emily B.

I would

Sep 15, 2014

Kat A.

Usually everyone looks at hauls.

Sep 15, 2014

Kitty K.

Like the ladies said, most hauls are looked at. However, if you want your thread to be interactive and have feedback remember to list where you got your products from.. this way it's considered valuable as opposed to a picture of clothes with no description.

Sep 15, 2014

Taylor G.

I would look at it. You could also do mini reviews of the products, saying what you liked/didn't like about them.

Sep 15, 2014

Bea S.

Taylor, that's a great idea! please do!

Sep 15, 2014

duffs g.

I would for sure!