Tria Blue Light (Acne Treatment Laser)


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Sep 15, 2014

Ladie L.

Please share your review... I want to try this but it's too expensive!! But I heard and not sure that if this product is not effective you can get your money back..,well I'm one of the others with hormonal acne.., sad to say... I tried everything also... I hope there is a pills that can control my acne but not a birth control because I'm in the processing of having a baby but still I'm not pregnant.. so every body please share your review about this laser... 

Sep 15, 2014

Traci L.

Blue light does help its not as effective on hormonal breakouts because your hormones are the root of the problem but it can help the surface breakouts and if you wanna try blue light therapy for less money try the illumask blue light it's 30 bucks for 30 uses so you can see if it helps you before making a big investment,here is what it looks like ,sold online or walmart