Can I put another color the day after I colored it?


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Dec 23, 2012

Karla H.

So I dye my hair "blonde" but it didn't turn out they way I want it, it looks red, and I hate it:/ I just did it yesterday and I want to put another color in it maybe a dark red or burgundy.. My question is can I put another color a day after? Or I have to wait? Oo and it was a drugstore color box :/ please help me ladies! I don't want to look all weird in the Christmas pictures!!

Dec 23, 2012

Kaysey L.

I think you'll be fine as long as you use a protein filler. You should try to wait, because it's better for your hair, but if you really can't then just get a protein filler.

Dec 23, 2012

Brooke E.

It isn't recommended. You can really fry your hair that way.

Dec 23, 2012

Karla H.

What if I use an organic color?!? Would I still fry it?

So it definitely is not recommended to color it again the day after, but I will tell you these things happen and its definitely not the end of the world. What I would definitely avoid is trying to go LIGHTER again, as anything containing a lightener (bleach) to lift the color, will just be too harsh.

But, going darker, is somewhat less damaging, as you are depositing color rather than taking it out. This process is less harmful. So, I would say, you can color it the day after, but be prepared to give your hair serious TLC for the next little while. Your hair will be prone to breakage, so be careful and use a deep conditioning mask and limit heat styling for a while. 

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

I know the feeling. I got my hair bleached, mind you in a highly recommended salon. But what the hair stylist failed to recognize is that she didn't have much experience working with Asian hair. If turned out ORANGE! I waited a few days and they fixed it by putting a darker color over it. Fortunately I have thick and healthy hair that it didn't fry my hair too badly. Never again am I going that light again>.<

Dec 23, 2012

Karla H.

Ugh! It looks like I'm going to have to wait :( booo..

So even if I use an organic dye?? 

Dec 23, 2012

Karla H.

This is how it turn out>.<

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

That's not bad at all! I'd wait a day and go dark...but that's just me. I know my hair would be able to take it, can't speak the same for you. 

Julia A.

Dec 23, 2012

Julia A.

I think it looks beautiful!!!

Dec 24, 2012

Karla H.

I kind of like it but I still have some black patches! Ugh it sucks I guess I would wait at least a week and do it again but red this time.. Never again blonde!

Dec 24, 2012

Erica L.

Wash it as much as possible, this happened to me recently and it really toned it down and made the patches unnoticeable.

Dec 24, 2012

Carlita F.

When going darker you really wanna use the lowest volume of the peroxide so yu really need to read the label on yur box because i believe most box dyes are 20 vol but you really want to use 10 vol because this will ensure maximum color deposit which will help get an even coverage and even tone and color 

Dec 24, 2012

Carlita F.

What probably happened you didnt you use a strong enough volumiser or didnt leave it in long enough it also depends on your hairs history if you've colored it before and its faded the lightening will turn out uneven

Dec 24, 2012

Karla H.

I had never dye my hair light.. I have always gone dark colors so I want it to try something new but I guess it didn't turn out how I want it!! 

Dec 24, 2012

Heather H.

Ugh! Don't ever put box dye hair color on your precious hair. It kills it!! Go to a professional and get some help!

Dec 24, 2012

Carlita F.

Yahh then if you dyed your hair only darker colores then its not gunna work even if you went to a proffesional salon they wouldnt be able to go blond at one shot 1st because it will fry yur hair 2nd take too long if yu wanted an all over blond you wud have to go by stages or other option is adding highlights and every once in awhile add more and more till you reach an all over blond

Dec 24, 2012

Karla H.

I had highlights but I just didn't like them any more! I want it to try something diff and I didn't go with a pro since I always spend over $150.. And I can't afford it right now 😞 (it's my baby first Christmas and you know how expensive can that be) but I guess I'm going red this coming week! Red always sticks to my hair pretty good!

Dec 28, 2012

Maya P.

I personally like it lol