Best way to self tan.


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May 13, 2014

Mindy F.

I feel like I'm asking thousands of questions today, but I've never self tanned before so I'm very scared of messing up and being blotchy lol! What are the steps to getting the greatest self tan possible? :) 💕

May 13, 2014

Jennifer G.

Exfoliate in the shower before you self tan! You need to remove all the dead skin or else the tanner will cling to it and make it look blotchy and patchy. Also, before I self tan, I put lotion on in my knees, elbows, feet, and if you're applying it to your face, I also use my facial moisturizer beforehand too. If you don't wear gloves, or use a mitt, make sure to wash your hands riiiiiight after haha. I've had my fair share of orange hands and it's not cute. And I start at my legs and work my way up. And just make sure to really rub it in if you use a lotion/gel/mousse. So that it doesn't look streaky! I can't think of anything else at the moment but hope I helped! ☺️

May 13, 2014

Jennifer G.

And I just remembered that once you start self tanning, moisturize your body regularly to get longest wear out of it. When it starts to fade blotchy it's because of dryness.

May 13, 2014

Tiffany B.

I recommend a primer specifically for self tanning and using a spray tan rather than a lotion. You get a more even application, at least in my experience. Also using an extender to make you tan last. An extender will also help keep a natural tan. There are also specific body washes to ensure that your tan wear off evenly to help avoid blotching.