Go Big or Go Bold MOTD!!


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May 12, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Hey beauties!!:) So I got really bored and am tired of my normal not crazy makeup, so I went for something over the top.Granted the brows are a tad messy but I am getting them threaded this week, so bare with me. Opinions??

Products Used:
-Coastal Scents Prism Palette
-Shany Cosmetics Glittery Pigments
-Nyx studio liner in black
-Oriental brand lashes from Amazon
-Smashbox Full Exposure Mascara
-Rimmel Gel Liner

What do you ladies think?? Sorry for the picture, it is the one off my instagram. The colors have not been edited, only blurred with that one effect.

May 12, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Oh and Nyx Blush in Pinched. I only did that for the photo though. needs more blending. lol.

May 12, 2014

Cami F.

Such a fun look! Your eyes are popping! Personally, I wouldn't have outlined the brows in black, but that's just preference. Amazing job!

May 12, 2014

Valerie C.

Love love love the colors!! Excellent job, I think lining the eyebrow adds character! Its great☺️💜

May 12, 2014

Sapphire K.

Holy eyebrows haha.

May 12, 2014

Grace A.

I love it

May 12, 2014

Sam M.

Couldn't have said it any better than Sapphire K lmao

May 12, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Thanks Cami, and I understand!:)

Vallerie Thankyou doll!:)

Sapphire yess ma'am. lol:)

Madyln, do t worry, I usually don't go this dramatic but I'm not afraid to rock a colored brow. I did not wear this to school today. After... lol. If I do colored eyebrows to school I go more subtle, like the picture below. However, I feel it is of utmost importance to do what makes you happy. I live by striving to make myself better as a person all around rather than caring what others Kay think of me, for being who I am... which is wild and crazy.. lol. Thankyou for your input and know that I am in no way offended. :))))

May 12, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Thanks Grace and Sam!!

May 12, 2014

Symone B.

Whoaaaa! *3 snaps in a z Formation* that eye is perfection!! I'm definitely going to have to get on my job. I was just planning out all these makeup requests I haven't gotten too (including ours 😘😘)

May 12, 2014

Cheez H.


May 12, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Thanks ladies!!:))))) and yess Symone I forgot about ours!:)

May 13, 2014

Breanna C.

I Am So In Love With All Your MOTD's!!😍😍😍

May 13, 2014

Elisa E.

Niiccee...I love the brows especially.

May 13, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Thank you bunches ladies!:) Your comments are much appreciated!:)<3.

May 13, 2014

Sanjana N.

Wow I love them...

May 13, 2014

MaKenzie T.


May 13, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Thanks Sandra!:)

May 13, 2014

Alma M.

Makenzie,I appreciate that your trying out the liner brow but I feel like your looks have become repetitive nothing different same shapes same colors your very aware of your comfort zone.Step it up a notch, and I say this to push your creativity.Don't get stuck just keep moving ;-) The biggest challenge is yourself with your own creativity, it should be limitless not limited. ;-)

May 13, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Oh...I'm sorry... I guess I will just try something completely different. I didn't really think they were all as similar as you say, but okay. I don't really know what to try next, any opinions? Suggestions?

May 13, 2014

Alma M.

Not a bad thing just pushing your creativity, maybe we're seeing two different things here but look at each of your pic's and the connection of similarity is there.Give yourself a different technique on a daily.I'm not sure if you get what I'm saying but it comes with sincerity in a sense of looking into your skill and not getting stuck.What I see I guess is because of experience so what one can't see I or others in the field can, its a makeup catch, we all go through it when learning routines we all have to break out of.It takes one to look at there own work and study it then you'll catch on to what I mean with an opened mind.I don't want to suggest anything or cloud your mind you need to go further with thought. I want you to go with the flow of creativity since your willing to learn and explore not just a look but what goes into the finish result of it,I just want to give advice of pushing you to do more to be the best at it and keep going & not be stale.By the way read this with a smile and try to understand what I'm saying  :-)

May 13, 2014

MaKenzie T.

I totally understand Alma, and I am truly humbled knowing how much you truly care for me and the other lovelies of Beautylish!:) I'm very thankful you have taken the time to tell me this. I'm going to sit down right now and look over my photos, and then try and create something completely different. Thankyou again, and I did read this with acc smile, a huge one. lol. Lots of love Alma!!

May 13, 2014

Alma M.

That's absolutely great that you get it and in turn this will help you so much.I want to see you and any beauty, achieve your Inner Artist.Thank you for soaking it all in like a foundation sponge lol  ;-)

May 13, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Anytime your give info and tips Alma, just expect that's what I'll do,thanks again!:)